It is extremely important to know which United States you are talking about at
any given time...
-- snip--
There are four (4) principle versions of "United States".
There is The United States, which is the name of the Union of States controlling
our national soil jurisdiction. This is the actual nation-states we are talking about,
gathered together in a Union to be able to act together in concert for their mutual
benefit. Each member state is a sovereign entity, while the Union doing business
as The United States is an unincorporated mutually affiliated business structure -- a Union.
There is also the for-now defunct Federal Republic, which was intended to be our
primary Federal Subcontractor, but which has been out of service since 1860
pending reconstruction--- and which did business as "the" United States from
1787 to 1860. The members of the Federal Republic were unincorporated
American businesses operating as States-of-States, like The State of Florida and
The State of North Carolina, which have been moth-balled as State Trusts since
the 1860's
There is the Territorial "United States", the British Territorial version that operates
as an incorporated entity doing business under various names, such as "the"
United States of America, Incorporated, and has 57 "States" that include
incorporated Territorial States-of-States and United States Possessions and Insular
States like Guam. These "States" exist primarily on paper and are the precursors
of actual States of the Union as required by the Northwest Ordinance.
Finally, there is the Municipal "United States" --- the Papist formerly Holy Roman
Empire version, which operates as an incorporated entity doing business under
various names, and which also claims to have 57 "states" that include Municipal
STATES-OF-STATES, US POSSESSIONS, and INSULAR STATES like GUAM. These STATES also exist on paper as incorporated entities, including US CORPORATIONS.
Thank you, Federal Reserve. Thank you, Congress. Thank you, military-industrial complex. Thank you, President Johnson for your "Great Society" and other socialist programs. Thank you, everyone else involved in pushing for deficit spending over the years.
The dollar's global Reserve Currency status is the only reason the United States didn't succumb to a Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation generations ago. And THAT's changing.
The US has been insolvent since the late 1980s. The only reason there hasn't been an implosion is because the Federal Reserve Board keeps printing money out of thin air to loan to the US Government. The greatest Ponzi scheme ever.
We are only insolvent in terms of dollars owed to debt.
The plan seems to be inflating that debt away. If we spiral into 20% inflation per year (which is possible), the $31 Trillion debt is worth only about $12 Trillion + change after 5-years. By 2030, the original debt would only be worth (real value) roughly $8 Trillion.
Of course, every other aspect of our economy suffers.
Good. I am tired and disgusted with our government. Now watch the RINOS step in to fuck the American people and out themselves. The game continues, WAKE UP AND TAKE NOTICE. THIS IS YOUR HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT.
"Excuse Me" - ( with all due respect ) it's not "Our Government". Every politician / judge / cop / military branch is OWNED and operated by "THEM" ! ( and i think WE all know who THEY are. ) "WE-The People" stand alone / unrepresented.
I have had the National Economic Recovery Plan B for over a decade. Turns to a positive trillion annually, and restructures the debt so that the interest goes from $400 billion annually to zero.
When no one in government cared to listen, I decided it was time to circumvent this cluster F of a government. Which I did in 2016, with the Reclamation of Proper Governance. The people legitimately altered this government via the Reclamation of Proper Governance, in direct accordance with the Declaration of Independence as our right and our duty.
All we need to fix America is for millions to support and publicize the Reclamation.
The Supervisor General is now deputizing in abstentia some 45 million God fearing, gun toting, law abiding, Patriotic Americans to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
The Supervisor General can close the borders and deport all here illegally.
The Supervisor General can make all elections to be in person with a valid ID.
Read the Reclamation online for free at Smashwords. DO IT NOW!!!
Who is 'We'? Not me, I can assure you of that!
I live on the soil in The United States
Where do you live?
I have zero liability in this so called U.S. national debt
Which "United States" Was That?
It is extremely important to know which United States you are talking about at any given time...
-- snip--
There are four (4) principle versions of "United States".
There is The United States, which is the name of the Union of States controlling our national soil jurisdiction. This is the actual nation-states we are talking about, gathered together in a Union to be able to act together in concert for their mutual benefit. Each member state is a sovereign entity, while the Union doing business as The United States is an unincorporated mutually affiliated business structure -- a Union.
There is also the for-now defunct Federal Republic, which was intended to be our primary Federal Subcontractor, but which has been out of service since 1860 pending reconstruction--- and which did business as "the" United States from 1787 to 1860. The members of the Federal Republic were unincorporated American businesses operating as States-of-States, like The State of Florida and The State of North Carolina, which have been moth-balled as State Trusts since the 1860's
There is the Territorial "United States", the British Territorial version that operates as an incorporated entity doing business under various names, such as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, and has 57 "States" that include incorporated Territorial States-of-States and United States Possessions and Insular States like Guam. These "States" exist primarily on paper and are the precursors of actual States of the Union as required by the Northwest Ordinance.
Finally, there is the Municipal "United States" --- the Papist formerly Holy Roman Empire version, which operates as an incorporated entity doing business under various names, and which also claims to have 57 "states" that include Municipal STATES-OF-STATES, US POSSESSIONS, and INSULAR STATES like GUAM. These STATES also exist on paper as incorporated entities, including US CORPORATIONS.
-- snip--
Wow this is another good economic outlook article. Thank you Ash!
...wags tail exuberantly....
I'm actually surprised we've made it this far.
"The United States is Insolvent"
True, but so is this:
The United States HAS BEEN insolvent for decades.
Thank you, Federal Reserve. Thank you, Congress. Thank you, military-industrial complex. Thank you, President Johnson for your "Great Society" and other socialist programs. Thank you, everyone else involved in pushing for deficit spending over the years.
The dollar's global Reserve Currency status is the only reason the United States didn't succumb to a Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation generations ago. And THAT's changing.
...doggy winks...
The US has been insolvent since the late 1980s. The only reason there hasn't been an implosion is because the Federal Reserve Board keeps printing money out of thin air to loan to the US Government. The greatest Ponzi scheme ever.
We are only insolvent in terms of dollars owed to debt.
The plan seems to be inflating that debt away. If we spiral into 20% inflation per year (which is possible), the $31 Trillion debt is worth only about $12 Trillion + change after 5-years. By 2030, the original debt would only be worth (real value) roughly $8 Trillion.
Of course, every other aspect of our economy suffers.
...a lot....
Good. I am tired and disgusted with our government. Now watch the RINOS step in to fuck the American people and out themselves. The game continues, WAKE UP AND TAKE NOTICE. THIS IS YOUR HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT.
...valid observation....
"Excuse Me" - ( with all due respect ) it's not "Our Government". Every politician / judge / cop / military branch is OWNED and operated by "THEM" ! ( and i think WE all know who THEY are. ) "WE-The People" stand alone / unrepresented.
I have had the National Economic Recovery Plan B for over a decade. Turns to a positive trillion annually, and restructures the debt so that the interest goes from $400 billion annually to zero.
When no one in government cared to listen, I decided it was time to circumvent this cluster F of a government. Which I did in 2016, with the Reclamation of Proper Governance. The people legitimately altered this government via the Reclamation of Proper Governance, in direct accordance with the Declaration of Independence as our right and our duty.
All we need to fix America is for millions to support and publicize the Reclamation.
The Supervisor General is now deputizing in abstentia some 45 million God fearing, gun toting, law abiding, Patriotic Americans to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
The Supervisor General can close the borders and deport all here illegally.
The Supervisor General can make all elections to be in person with a valid ID.
Read the Reclamation online for free at Smashwords. DO IT NOW!!!