Clottbert Comics are best appreciated by all those who suffered the unsufferable Scott Adam's Pygmalion level self delusion and inevitable narcissism in the creation of his own personal Galatea, a sculpted construct of unassailable logic and insight that Adams was only too happy to publicly stroke and caress, day after day, to the point that even Justice Potter Stewart would have had no trouble describing it.
Scott Adams... the very definition of a self-licking ice cream cone.
All Clottbert strips as of today:
Link to check for new Clottberts on patriots/win:
canard kə-närd′ noun
- An unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story.
"Hoist with his own petard" is a phrase from a speech in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet that has become proverbial. The phrase's meaning is that a bomb-maker is blown ("hoist") off the ground by his own bomb (a "petard" is a small explosive device), and indicates an ironic reversal, or poetic justice.
For a great deep dive on the Scott Clott Conundrum check link below:
"Scott Adams, Cognitive Warfare, and Accountability" - Mathew Crawford
Hat tip to u/Murphy71 for first posting link above on GAW:
He's using sarcasm to deal with it now.
I remember a fren of ours, who threw something of a tantrum and then removed himself from this board and all other communication, always talking up how great Clott Adams was. I expressed my doubts about and disagreements with Adams. This did not please our fren. I suspect this may have been the start of our frenship going away...
But now here we are...
PepeSee... when you have the time read the Mathew Crawford article.
You know that part in Braveheart when they pull out Mel Gibson's intestines... yea, its that good.
I cant thank you enough for compiling those for us
CLOT ADAMS can fuck himself
each apology is a snide NON-apology
Must stay in control of the narrative. Use the frame of oops it’s an accident instead of a purposeful deception.