Murphy71 13 points ago +13 / -0

It’s old news that was doing the rounds a few months ago. Operatives like Peter Sweden are in the game to re-seed placatory narratives to keep the angry minority subdued. He’s been doing this consistently throughout the Great Culling. My guess is he’s a Freemason, possibly with bloodline connections, if not full on CIA/Mossad. Certainly straight out of Globohomo limited hangout controlled oppo central casting, and on the side of the perpetrators.

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is at least a year old. Why is an alleged victim of Bill Clinton posting very old news? Heck, Malone has probably come full circle by now, if he’s being lined up for a government gig…

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

He has referred to all you mention and more in many other announcements over the last 3 years. I know because I have watched almost everything he has put out and followed the evolution of his ideas like a masterclass in critical thinking.

Murphy71 4 points ago +5 / -1

Tru dat. I have only been banned twice in 20+ years of non-confrontational posting on multiple platforms. Both times this year, on GAW, for politely asking unkosher questions about Trump.

Murphy71 4 points ago +4 / -0

Isn’t the new Treasury Secretary that Trump selected - Scott Bessent - also the Chief Investment Officer of Soros Fund Management.?

Putting a George Soros PROTEGE at the heart of government is surely going to allow any Soros to do anything.

Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mike King, author of The Bad War is see another great source on the subject… here is an interview from a few years ago…


Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

I overlooked your tone of condescension, and the comedy of using social media and Wikipedia links to back up that condescension.

Any source with .edu, .gov or .mil in a URL is even more suspect. This is not a popular position, since it requires a lifetime of learned and lived exposure to, observation of and acceptance of such vastly, systemically corrupt, conspiratorial and clandestine institutional assaults against the world that most well meaning people are simply incapable or unwilling to acknowledge let alone escape their programming.

As luck would have it, a substacker wrote today about Hiroshima Revisited and I was reminded of our exchange.


Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah. Not buying it.

Of all the leading death vectors in vogue over recent years - pathogenic, psychogenic, iatrogenic - I’m with nukes being the fictitious mother of all fear-based traumagenic psyops.

Long before I heard of Hiroshima Revisited, I’d already endured the comedy drills of hiding under nuclear bomb-proof desks at school in the 80s in between grim PSAs about AIDS, holes in the ozone layer, the end of oil etc so trauma fatigue had kicked in before I was even out of my teens.

Has the ability to create materials that produce large explosions been achieved? Certainly. My own father witnessed the tests in the 60s.

Has the ability to create combustion rocket technology that can travel at hypersonic speeds over vast distances? Sure. Even allegedly beyond the earth’s atmosphere.

Have these abilities been systemized, stabilized and weaponized into “payloads” that form “nuclear warheads” on “inter-continental” devices? Not buying it. When a psyop can be made to more easily manufacture belief and be mythologized in popular culture than be actually true, we can be sure there are clandestine organisations that will deliver desired narratives..

Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, he’s been saying this for a few years. Not looked into his Vegas claims, but for the plandemic…

As a thought exercise, reconsider the flu bioweapon hypothesis in the context of:

human to human transmission of so-called contagious airborne respiratory pathogens has ever been demonstrably scientifically proven, it remains theoretical

PCR and other testing methods are not designed for and therefore not capable of diagnosing infection or illness, instead used to create “casedemics”

“pandemic” deaths are over/represented by co-morbidities, iatrogenic assault (perverse financial gains for diagnosis and death certificate outcomes, ventilator protocols, harmful pharmaceutical interventions like withholding antibiotics and administering Remdesevir, fearful isolation and other psychogenic assaults)

seasonal respiratory flu symptoms and serious illnesses like pneumonia or tuberculosis are commonplace worldwide, especially China, for a range of reasons from environmental (pollutants and poisons) to biological (detoxification and autophagy), and as such are so prevalent as to be easily made to appear pandemic in scope if rebadged to “insert scary novel pathogen” that exists only in-silico i.e. modelled on a computer screen (Christine Massey contacted around 200 global health authorities using FOIA to request details of laboratory isolates… guess how many were able to provide them…)

Murphy71 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is noise. The signal is:

Wuhan wet market, lab leak, zoonotic leap, gain of fiction, bio-weapons, military games, China bad - all real. Event 201 seeds narrative.

Fauci, Drosten, Baric, Eco-Health Alliance, Chapel Hill, Obama etc - all bad. Not democidal depop Malthusian maniac bad, just bumbling welll-intentioned politicised bureaucrat bad.

Pandemic, cases, testing, asymptomatic spread, PPE, lockdown, social distancing, furlough, novel pathogen, death jabs etc all necessary but flawed in applications.

Virology, germ theory, allopathic medical industrial complex, contagion, transmission, big pharma, vaccinology, scientific establishment etc all mostly real and good.

Whereas, more likely…

No novel pathogen. No pandemic.

Iatrogenic and data manipulation death count.

Media fear saturation psychogenic assault.

Wealth transfer and global power grab.

Injected bioweapon in billions.

Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

Best take on this thread.

Problem: normies are starting to call out ethno-supremacist genocides, racketeering, extortion, corruption etc.

Reaction: distract with limited hangout documentaries, victimisation shaming, racist labels, “never again” propaganda etc.

Solution: fake outrage by social media billionaire narrative gatekeepers, and calls for more restrictions on free speech as fronts for new laws preventing criticism of ethno-supremacist genocides, racketeering, extortion, corruption etc.

Murphy71 16 points ago +19 / -3

I did that but I was banned. Only place I have ever been banned for posting anything on the internet in almost 30 years of being online is GAW. Wouldn’t mind but I was only sharing alternate views or asking questions pertaining to the endless free passes we give Trump, specifically on jabs. For me it’s now clear: GAW is an anti-free speech trap. A narrative herding operartion and doxxing beartrap. My guess is Mossad but likely any globohomo outfit paying for data.

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quite the opposite. I am simply watching my 6, head on a swivel being alert to allcomers and non-echo chamber views. At this point, the only thing that makes sense is asymmetry, Sun Tzu and 5D chess. Some appointees are tokens, others totems, others leak traps, others sledgehammers. Either the silent war was always meant to conclude after the 3rd won election, or we are being led, hypnotised and sleepwalking, into an engineered hot WW3 NWO hellscape… I have zero trust in psychopathic, oligarchical, technocratic empires above the level of nation state to tell it how it really is. No one is coming to save us, so best to triangulate all potential outcomes.

Murphy71 0 points ago +4 / -4

Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 12, 2024 - Trump picks point to a swamp-infested ZIONIST OCCUPATION of America

  • Trump's top picks almost all appear to be Zionist sellouts
  • Sen. Marco Rubio as Secretary of State is a sure path to war with Iran
  • Kristi Noem for Homeland Security is a free speech-hating Zionist who thinks God chose Israel to slaughter Palestinians
  • Elise Stefanik for UN Ambassador supports imprisoning Americans who criticize Israel
  • Treasury secretary pick is a Soros lackey
  • Trump is filling his administration with the ZIONIST SWAMP
  • This puts America on a certain path to bleeding and dying for Israel
  • Soon, Trump will sign new "anti-Semitism" laws that criminalize any speech critical of Israel
  • Interview with Bek Lover about Islam, Christianity, faith and wisdom


Murphy71 3 points ago +3 / -0

He’s been saying all this for a couple of years now on various podcasts and his own channels (he has been banned from all the mainstream platforms)

He has done interviews with Steve Kirsch, James Delingpole, Jerm Warfare, Mark Devlin and many more…

His Substack https://substack.com/@drmikeyeadon?r=pezuu&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=profile

His Telegram https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel

One of his Substack Admins https://substack.com/@suavek1?r=pezuu&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=profile

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the WaPo article

December 21, 2021 at 12:02 p.m. EST

Dear Republicans: Your favorite president wants you to get vaccinated

At various points in 2021, former president Donald Trump has encouraged his supporters to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. (Video: JM Rieger/The Washington Post, Photo: Cassidy Araiza/The Washington Post)

I’d like to introduce you to a Republican who checks many of the boxes when it comes to those who need the most convincing to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. Engaged in conspiracy theories about the vaccine? Check. Might have believed he had enough natural immunity from a prior infection and didn’t need it? Check. Has demonstrated that he is quite worried about what his vaccine-skeptic friends might think of him? Check and check.

This Republican would like to tell those same vaccine-skeptic friends that they should get vaccinated — and has now done so repeatedly. His name is Donald Trump. As many Republicans continue to resist the vaccine, and as ambitious and outspoken Republicans increasingly flirt with vaccine skeptics in their base — as best exemplified by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — the leader of the Republican Party has stuck to his guns in promoting the vaccine. He has done so even when jeered at or booed for it, as has now repeatedly happened. And the totality of his commentary on the matter is worth emphasizing as we continue to confront intractable vaccine skepticism. Story continues below advertisement Trump disclosed in an interview Sunday that he has gotten his booster. He did so despite claiming in a Fox Business Network interview in August that the boosters might be a Big Pharma money-grab. He also did so despite saying in September that he probably wouldn’t get a booster. If Trump turned the corner on that, maybe those who think he Made America Great Again might take notice? To the extent that Trump’s allies continue to resist the vaccine and baselessly claim it’s dangerous or not worth it, they are expressly opposing their beloved former president. To the extent that they claim that the vaccine isn’t saving countless lives, they are disputing what Trump himself has said over and over again. To the extent that even the vaccinated ones are resisting boosters, they are now not following his lead. And according to Trump’s latest comments, they’re not just disregarding him; they’re also playing into their opponents’ hands. To be clear, Trump is not saying anything that health officials haven’t said about the vaccine for a long time. Nor did he take up this cause when it arguably might have mattered most; he declined to disclose his own vaccination as president, and only pushed the vaccines more than a month later. But when he has weighed in on the vaccine since then, he’s delivered a message that it’s a wonder nobody has put in a public service announcement and run on repeat on Fox News and other conservative outlets whose audiences have been fed a steady diet of unsubstantiated vaccine skepticism. Here’s a recap:

February: 'Everybody, go get your shot” Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump said, “We took care of a lot of people — including, I guess, on December 21st, we took care of Joe Biden, because he got his shot, he got his vaccine. … It shows you how unpainful that vaccine shot is.” Trump added: “So everybody, go get your shot.”

March: ‘I would recommend it to’ my vaccine-skeptic allies In a Fox News interview, Trump said, “I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly.” He also repudiated claims that the vaccines aren’t safe: “It’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, and it’s something that works.”

Mid-April: Defended safety of Johnson & Johnson vaccine After the federal government paused its authorization of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, in light of rare blood-clotting issue which vaccine skeptics seized upon, Trump excoriated the decision and pointed to the minimal adverse effects. “The federal pause on the J&J shot makes no sense,” Trump said, adding: “Just six people out of the nearly 7 million who’ve gotten the Johnson & Johnson vaccine reported blood clots.” Trump even suggested that the move would feed the kind of anti-vaccine skepticism that was on the rise in his base. (Allies such as Tucker Carlson have often pointed to unverified reports in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS.) “Indeed, this moronic move is a gift to the anti-vax movement,” Trump said. “The science bureaucrats are fueling that deranged pseudoscience.”

Late April: ‘The vaccine is a great thing, and people should take advantage of it’ Trump told the New York Post: “I’m all in favor of the vaccine. It’s one of the great achievements, a true miracle, and not only for the United States. We’re saving tens of millions of lives throughout the world. We’re saving entire countries.” Trump added that, “The vaccine is a great thing, and people should take advantage of it,” while adding that it shouldn’t be mandated.

July: ‘I recommend you take it’ At a rally in Arizona, Trump said, “I recommend you take it, but I also believe in your freedoms 100 percent.”

Mid-August: ‘Once you get the vaccine, you get better’ In the same interview in which Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo ultimately goaded Trump into initially questioning the boosters, Trump began by offering one of his most forceful pro-vaccine statements. “Now one thing: When you have the vaccine, people that do [get infected] — and it’s a very small number relatively, but people that do get it — get better much quicker,” Trump said. “And it’s very important to know. They don’t get nearly as sick, and they get better. [Sen.] Lindsey Graham is an example. He said, if I didn’t have this vaccine, I would have died.” Story continues below advertisement “So once you get the vaccine, you get better,” Trump added.

Late August: ‘Take the vaccines. … It is working.’ At a rally in Alabama shortly after the Bartiromo interview, Trump again broadly promoted vaccines — even playing off those who booed him for it. “I recommend take the vaccines,” he said. “It’s good. I did it. Take the vaccines.” As some in the crowd jeered, Trump took care to qualify his remarks by noting that this is about personal choice. But then he re-upped the message. “You got — no, that’s okay. That’s all right. You got your freedoms. But I happened to take the vaccine,” Trump said, before defusing the situation with a joke: “If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know.” He added: “But it is working.”

September: ‘The vaccines do work. … It’s tremendously successful.' “The vaccines do work,” Trump said on a conservative talk-radio show. “And they are effective. So here’s my thing: I think I saved millions and millions of lives around the world.” He added: “And now countries are using our vaccines, and it’s tremendous. It’s tremendously successful.”

December: Don’t let the libs win when you promote vaccine skepticism At an event with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly in Dallas, Trump disclosed that he got a booster shot after all. He did so despite his August comments about a Big Pharma money-grab and despite having told the Wall Street Journal in September that he probably wouldn’t get it. (“I feel like I’m in good shape from that standpoint; I probably won’t. … I’m not against it, but it’s probably not for me.”)

And despite again being jeered for his vaccine promotion, Trump said that it was a small portion of the audience. He also said — as he had before — that feeding vaccine skepticism was counterproductive. “What we’ve done is historic,” he said. “Don’t let them take away — don’t take it away from ourselves. You’re playing right into their hands when you sort of like, ‘Oh, the vaccine.’ ” We shall see if his supporters heed his advice — or keep playing into the left’s hands.

Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

In other words, Technocrat billionaires conspire to efficiently consolidate more power for the global corporatist oligarchy in their brave new world order, further exposing the futility, obsolescence and retail worth of political systems..

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

If by bad you mean “zero nutrition”, then yes. This is not to say hydroponics isn’t nor can’t be used to supercharge vegetables nutritionally, albeit artificially, but that’s not what happens in large scale production. The Netherlands supplies many European supermarkets with most of their vegetables but the quality and nutritional value is famously next to non-existent compared with what soil and sun can produce, alas at much less quantities. Tasteless, water heavy, mineral deficient facsimiles at best.

Awesome for growing mindbending unnaturally high THC superweeds concocted by deviant botanists, though, if that’s still your thing.

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