Vaccine cult victim makes a post in a anti-anti-vaxx sub, expecting to get lots of support and validation.
Things didn’t go according to plan…
Vaccine cult victim makes a post in a anti-anti-vaxx sub, expecting to get lots of support and validation.
Things didn’t go according to plan…
Speak for yourself, I'm quiet because my medical beliefs are same as my sexuality and spirituality... none of your business.
Only fags take pride bragging about where they put their genitals.
Only Mormons push their religion on me every Saturday morning when I'm trying to sleep in.
Only low IQ retards virtue signal they modified their DNA.
Hey you left out Jehovahs Witnesses
They could've showed up too, who knows, I usually just roll my eyes and shut the door while they speak. I have my church going friends, I'll go with them when I want just don't wake me up when I am sleeping without coffee and a good reason like fishing. Hearing about your cult whilst hungover isn't gonna sell your point.
Could be Hoover vacuums or magazine subscriptions, I could give a rat's ass, I ain't buying what you're selling if I awake to your sales pitch. Hand me coffee and ammo and say we're going duck hunting and I'll write you into my will.
Out of respect for your dead.
Oh God Reddit, a site of pure cancer no matter which subreddit you go to. Probably have the same problem Twitter used to have, where most users are just bots or are paid to make commie stances.
Lol, a vaxtard copium echo chamber.
What do you mean? From what I read in the thread they got a lot of support from each other.
Agreed, Im confused. Seem full of themselves over there. Must be scared
Stop back there in a few hours… ill let em have it
We have done our part, largely... seeds planted and now we watch them sprout. And grow into a freakin' forest. And as another fren posted, out of respect for their heartbreaking losses.
This thread is on Turbo Cancer.
Well ANYONE can submit and alter a VAERS report.....
Hate these people sometimes.
It is evident that the more elaborate there language, that are more educated. Which means the more brain washed these people are! This is going to take a long time to sort itself out. At least they seem to be breaking. There programming a little bit
Because challenging your beliefs induces you to rage and the inability to accept new ideas.
That was a very confusing site. Everyone seems to be very angry, and condescending. I cannot tell what stance most people have, or con.
Because nobody listens. Sheep only trust what the TV tells them.