IT'S TIME FOR A Q "MIC CHECK." If anyone from the Q team reads this, can we please request that either Q or GEOTUS (but we digress) post or Truth something with the word "KNOWINGLY" in it?
Failed Humour, sorry

"Mike Pence is an innocent man. He never did anything knowingly dishonest in his life. Leave him alone!!!"
I find the triple exclamation very interesting given the triple brackes on AS...pencil neck in the news quite a bit here lately too
ACK maybe this is where I got this. Let's choose a different word.
How about “Buckle up?”
this is a good one^
How about "BOOM"
Instantly thought of this lol
omg yall are so smart
Well he's a sinner. so he's done plenty of sinful things, knowingly. . . . And there's evidence he's done some pretty heinous things as well . . .