What is GESARA? John MorseOctober 24, 20160 Source: pixabay.com It’s an acronym for the Global Economic Security And Reformation Act and has been written and refined by great minds of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in order to reset planet earth and humanity on a sustainable governance foundation.
The following 3 items must be accomplished straight away:
The global and public proclamation of a global jubilee or debt forgiveness, and universal reset of planetary earth/humanity back to a universal system of common governance in transparent good standing with other member beings of the Galactic Federation.
Implementation of GESARA as a universal constitutional framework for global governance in all 209 sovereign nations per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States.
Mass human disclosure of both non-humanoid (extra-terrestrial) life in existence on the surface of this planet and throughout our shared galaxy.
Read more: Do you know about NESARA? I bet you DON’T, but it’s about time you DO! Why is GESARA even necessary? The existing “cabal” governing authority has intentionally and methodically hidden humanity’s historical truth (including alien occupation and genetic tampering) for over thirteen millennia; and thus why GESARA implementation is necessary now, as the galactic community has been tasked to stop and reverse the momentum of such a rebellious and blatant action against the Creator Source, and human species. Together with humanity, all love warriors of the white light will now put an end to cabal deceit as well as re-institute universal truth and justice without further delay or negotiation.
What might GESARA manifest? Below are 25 specific items, but expect dozens more.
Restore Constitutional Law in the Republic of the United States of America.
Remove USA, Inc. administration officials and all members of the US Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.
Forces the USA, Inc.’s President, the Vice-President, Cabinet members, and all members of Congress to leave the office.
Suspends all elections everywhere in the world, at all sovereign levels of government.
Allows new Republic of the United States appointees to temporarily govern the country’s affairs until fair and legal elections can be held.
Allows Republic military law enforcement to physically remove or eliminate any obstacle impeding GESARA law.
Allows the Republic Congress to implement the natural Constitutional Line of Succession.
Eliminates all “states of emergency” thus declaring peace for every land abiding by GESARA and it’s the alliance.
Forces the US military to immediately remove troops from all sovereign nations who no longer willingly accept them to reside on their soil. That includes Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and the Philippines.
Zeroing out of credit card balances and bank debt relief worldwide.
Activates the Republic’s Treasury Bank and Republic Treasury, along with a gold-backed USN currency printed and overseen by the Republic of the United States and not the Federal Reserve which will now be marginalized until eliminated.
Federal Income Taxes lies will be abolished, as will the old tax code; and new easier, simpler and global tax code will be implemented on non-essential items. Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items, are exempt from the sales tax.
The IRS, FEMA, Shadow Government Lobbyists will all be jailed, arrested or worse.
Creates a new 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government.
Increases benefits to senior citizens and makes them permanent.
Establishes new Presidential and Congressional candidates within 120 days after G.E.S.A.R.A.’s announcement. An interim government will quietly be put in place as to handle the nation’s affairs until new leaders can be democratically elected.
International Monitors will be present to prevent illegal voter ballot stuffing or fraudulent election activities of special interest groups.
A new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals will be issued into public circulation.
Eliminates birth certificate records to be used as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
Restores financial privacy globally.
Resets all judges and attorneys back to Constitutional Law.
Ceases all aggressive, government military actions worldwide–including the Middle East.
Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the UN Security Council.
Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes across planet earth.
Enables the release of thousands of hidden patents for suppressed technologies currently held under the guise of national security–including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines.
The term poppy cock immediately comes to mind, followed by balderdash.
Is this what the "Alliance, Q team" purposing? 2) Implementation of GESARA as a universal constitutional framework for global governance in all 209 sovereign nations per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States.
All i know is that ANY form of global governance is the wrong answer. It can only end 1 way.
There are hills that are worth dying on.
Bullshit pacification op
Sounds like the defeat of the cabal. 2. Remove USA, Inc. administration officials and all members of the US Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.
Most of what you quote is NESARA (US only) whilst GESARA is the global version. We don't know how much of NESARA/GESARA will be implemented but we have already seen evidence of debt forgiveness, governments stepping down, new US currency (could be made public next week). All we can do is wait and see what happens.
What about people who aren't in debt? would cause some to max out credit cards & go into deep debt then have it forgiven?
Other rumours I have heard is that it will not be the debt that is forgiven but only the interest on that debt.
That would make a lot more sense.
This would make more sense. Otherwise, you'd be rewarding those that are financially irresponsible.
I suspect that some form of lending that limits interest rates will come, but those expecting their past debts to be absolved are dreaming.
If you absolved all debt you would destroy the financial systems are are necessary to run an economy.
When the fair lending interest rates are put in place, you will be allowed to renegoiate your current obligations but you won't be allowed to just elminate them without paying them off.
I suspect it will be the government issuing money with no Fed, and the government will be dictating the interest rates on that money. The interest rates might vary by type of loan, and some of them could even be zero interest. Things that benefit the economy and investment will be rewarded.
Yes, that would be unfair to those who have stayed out of debt or who are paying down their debt.
Silly FUD.
Whatever happened with the guy Trump supposedly met with? He's in prison or something and he knows about the gold?
Damn is that an admittedly horrible description... but does any of this sound vaguely familiar? Thought it had something to do with gesara
I have been flowing this for about 2 years. I think it is Wonderfull. No more debt servitude. Free the people.
Allows new Republic of the United States appointees to temporarily govern the country’s affairs until fair and legal elections can be held.
Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the UN Security Council. (Are these are a cause for concern?)
From what I understand not everything listed in this post is correct.
Is there an updated list? Also does this include the so called "Galactic Federation" involvement? 3) Mass human disclosure of both non-humanoid (extra-terrestrial) life in existence on the surface of this planet and throughout our shared galaxy.
The Gesara I know is based on economics not politics.
Nesara, is fore the United States. Gesara is for the rest of the earth. It removes the Cabals means to lie cheat and steal through the economic system.
Did Trump sign some agreement relating to "NESARA"?
He did transfer some authority from the Fed to the Treasury during 2020 covid. To me this has always stood out, they did the stimmy as direct deposit and i think that was a test run of some kind. But who knows?
Both are used in conjunction with the Quantum Financial System that will replace the Swift system, No more corruption money laundering etc.