Not everyone was complicit. A lot of little guys just went with the plan. Tell someone the ship is sinking and point the way to the liferafts and most people will panic and head straight for them. Media created the panic, Politicians enforced the lockdowns. Their agenda was to steal an election and Big Pharma was only too happy to oblige for $$$$. There is something evil going on between Dems and the Medical industry. Obama won on promises of Obamacare and probably a lot of big money exchanged hands.
Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part II the sacrificing of the children in the City Square where Kitnis’s sister Prim is killed. Covid was to be used to sacrifice the children and adults to depopulate. That was the Cabal’s original plan. Trump fast tracked it to thwart it as us adults would see/fall first to what the vaxx/boosters would do.
That’s a pretty good explanation. Actually makes the most sense of any I’ve seen so far.
Now do “Why Trump keeps endorsing Horrible candidates”
Maybe it just doesn’t really matter. We think the elections are a big deal. Maybe the white hats don’t.
It is true. I would honestly believe that most of the people went along because:
"everyone was doing it"
it was easier to go along than to fight,
These people always follow the crowd.
The brainwashing by the media
Complete unawareness caused by sports, games, brain drain drama TV, and internet frivolities
Faith in a system that couldn't be wrong or evil
And finally, some are just dumber than a box of rocks.
The ones at the top are just plain guilty of greed. They sold out their fellow citizens for thirty pieces of silver. The greedy should receive the hangman's noose. They rest should be punished, but to a lesser degree. The ones that humble themselves and admit their error will lose power over others. The ones that refuse to take accountability will be stripped of their careers, they will have to start all over again.
I upvoted you, but most policeman feel a duty to uphold the law, regardless of their personal views. Pick and choose which laws to enforce and which to ignore is not their mandate.
Not everyone was complicit. A lot of little guys just went with the plan. Tell someone the ship is sinking and point the way to the liferafts and most people will panic and head straight for them. Media created the panic, Politicians enforced the lockdowns. Their agenda was to steal an election and Big Pharma was only too happy to oblige for $$$$. There is something evil going on between Dems and the Medical industry. Obama won on promises of Obamacare and probably a lot of big money exchanged hands.
Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part II the sacrificing of the children in the City Square where Kitnis’s sister Prim is killed. Covid was to be used to sacrifice the children and adults to depopulate. That was the Cabal’s original plan. Trump fast tracked it to thwart it as us adults would see/fall first to what the vaxx/boosters would do.
That’s a pretty good explanation. Actually makes the most sense of any I’ve seen so far. Now do “Why Trump keeps endorsing Horrible candidates”
Maybe it just doesn’t really matter. We think the elections are a big deal. Maybe the white hats don’t.
"I was just following orders"
It is true. I would honestly believe that most of the people went along because:
The ones at the top are just plain guilty of greed. They sold out their fellow citizens for thirty pieces of silver. The greedy should receive the hangman's noose. They rest should be punished, but to a lesser degree. The ones that humble themselves and admit their error will lose power over others. The ones that refuse to take accountability will be stripped of their careers, they will have to start all over again.
Politicians unconstitutionally created the lockdowns, it was the police that enforced them. Never, ever forget that.
I upvoted you, but most policeman feel a duty to uphold the law, regardless of their personal views. Pick and choose which laws to enforce and which to ignore is not their mandate.