She's not quite there yet, she still supports abortions. I'm giving her more time to ferment. She was me maybe 3ish years ago, so I have faith she'll see the lie in pro-choice ideology too.
The pro choice people aren't able yet to take in what these creatures do to babies, and what they do with the various components of their bodies. In their limited awareness, it's all about being against the government being able to dictate what we do with our bodies. The conditioning has been so complete that some have accepted that control when it arrives in the form of a vaccine mandate.
I think the bad guys(keeping it simple) have been able to successfully de-activate the brain's ability to connect dots and draw logical conclusions. I do know of people who are so supercharged with trying to manage their lives and not lose their shit that they could not possibly entertain such a truth. Not even a little. If you said the words, they would slide right on by...
This, I've known some to change their position only when they finally looked at what Planned Parenthood is really about, what happens to those baby parts, and the lies about how quickly a "clump of cells" grows into a recognizable human.
Plus The handy closure we get w the awesome 1968?/69? Planned Parenthood Document/literature we got from here(GAW) showing the receipt of promoting homosexuality, and a list of other agenda bullet points for depopulation/ destroying Gids creations.
You're not wrong. As a lifelong atheist raised in a rather (though not entirely) secular household, the only reason I think I'm anti-abortion is I have a pretty based set of parents. One of them is kinda spiritual, and we all often joke that his worldview is "the gospel according to dad".
She's a lifelong feminist. She'll likely never come around to that. Even with the demographic bomb going off all over the Western world, she'll never make the connection that women being encouraged to abort the next generation unless they're ultrawealthy is a bad thing. For her, it's about women's empowerment in all facets of life. Trans-women (men in drag) is just "womanface" and that's why she's so adamant. To her, it's like veterans and stolen valor. These people are claiming a mantle they've not earned through actually living that life.
She doesn't have the underlying thought process to value life itself yet. That's been too deconstructed and muddled with "female empowerment" for her to disentangle those things and choose life over empowerment. Not yet anyway.
I do too. First trimester. It’s not fair to kids to have a shit life due to a parent who didn’t want them. Agree fully on second and third, barring physical defects and certain circumstances.
She's not quite there yet, she still supports abortions. I'm giving her more time to ferment. She was me maybe 3ish years ago, so I have faith she'll see the lie in pro-choice ideology too.
The pro choice people aren't able yet to take in what these creatures do to babies, and what they do with the various components of their bodies. In their limited awareness, it's all about being against the government being able to dictate what we do with our bodies. The conditioning has been so complete that some have accepted that control when it arrives in the form of a vaccine mandate.
I think the bad guys(keeping it simple) have been able to successfully de-activate the brain's ability to connect dots and draw logical conclusions. I do know of people who are so supercharged with trying to manage their lives and not lose their shit that they could not possibly entertain such a truth. Not even a little. If you said the words, they would slide right on by...
This, I've known some to change their position only when they finally looked at what Planned Parenthood is really about, what happens to those baby parts, and the lies about how quickly a "clump of cells" grows into a recognizable human.
Plus The handy closure we get w the awesome 1968?/69? Planned Parenthood Document/literature we got from here(GAW) showing the receipt of promoting homosexuality, and a list of other agenda bullet points for depopulation/ destroying Gids creations.
You're not wrong. As a lifelong atheist raised in a rather (though not entirely) secular household, the only reason I think I'm anti-abortion is I have a pretty based set of parents. One of them is kinda spiritual, and we all often joke that his worldview is "the gospel according to dad".
Else, i might be a flaming liberal pro-choice....
Lucky stars gents.
Well said
she may have blood ties to the royals, interestingly.
She's a lifelong feminist. She'll likely never come around to that. Even with the demographic bomb going off all over the Western world, she'll never make the connection that women being encouraged to abort the next generation unless they're ultrawealthy is a bad thing. For her, it's about women's empowerment in all facets of life. Trans-women (men in drag) is just "womanface" and that's why she's so adamant. To her, it's like veterans and stolen valor. These people are claiming a mantle they've not earned through actually living that life.
She doesn't have the underlying thought process to value life itself yet. That's been too deconstructed and muddled with "female empowerment" for her to disentangle those things and choose life over empowerment. Not yet anyway.
I do too. First trimester. It’s not fair to kids to have a shit life due to a parent who didn’t want them. Agree fully on second and third, barring physical defects and certain circumstances.
Observation: my son's two adopted daughters (actual sisters) don't appear to be having "a shit life".