Maxine Waters caught in new nepotism storm after paying daughter $192K
US Rep. Maxine Waters paid her daughter, Karen $192,300 from her campaign fund over the last two years to run her 'slate mailer' operation, a move that has repeatedly earned her criticism.
That UGLY hit every branch on the way down. Wow! She makes Maxine look good.
That thing got hit by the evil ugly bus.
Which one is the daughter?
LAWD that's a lot of FUGLY for one article!
Way above the legal limit.
The amount of FUGLY here is TOO DAMN HIGH
We found the daddy!
Catbox image
I think we have a winner in the "Lipstick on a Pig" category.
LAWUD. !! My eyes !!
That's not her mother?
She's uglier than her mother!
Please tell me that's an orange prison jumpsuit!!!
That is 2 ugly dudes!
You know what Fred Sanford would say.....
Ugly and called karen she had no hope, who was the father she looks worse than a hubble kek
Maxine when she was in showbiz....
" I pray the Tree will fall on the ugly,"...
The Waters family is a case study in how ugliness on the inside eventually seeps to the surface, which means to look that busted her daughter had to have been robbing taxpayers in her diapers.
Old cow and the Udder Cow