141 History of the stock market in one chart (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by queue-anon 2 years ago by queue-anon +141 / -0 17 comments download share 17 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Like any of this is real.
Remember when average Americans held Gamestop to fuck over the hedge fund (insert three parentheses) billionaires--and were completely shut down?
I 'member.
All of this is manipulated, fake, and gay.
It's not over. BUY DRS HODL!!!!
Hedge funds never covered or closed their positions.
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I would love to see update to 2022.
If you notice, a very significant number, if not all of the events listed are directly or indirectly caused by the Cabal. I want off this ride.
Just what is the "stock market?"
Manipulated since 1933 when they banned gold and reduced the backing from 100% to 60%.
"The stock market is our way to remove fiat from circulation!"
Someone claiming to be a Rothschild in a 2011 AMA
Do you have that link? I was trying to find that the other day!
I'll do you one better. I'll make a post linking to the saved HTML file. Coming shortly.
EDIT: Here you go!
Nice!! Thank you so much brother!
One problem with the Dow is that they change which companies' stocks are part of the calculation occasionally. So the Dow today is nothing like the Dow 100 years ago.
Not sure but it’ll be a big crash
Adjusted for inflation?