287 Thailand Drops a Bombshell on Pfizer (www.bitchute.com) LET'S GOOoOoooo!!! posted 2 years ago by Oblakhan 2 years ago by Oblakhan +287 / -0 30 comments share 30 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Pfizer will make an example out of Thailand to deter domino effect? Thai are stubborn asf (clean and polite, but stubborn), and love their royalty. This is war for them.
Pfizer will try.
Pfizer will fail.
Sending love and support to the Thai royal family.
Get the mass murderers! The world needs justice.
Thailand is the England of Asia
Except they are not a Cabal host
Shame if they took steps to punish people outside of Thailand, You can bet they will FUCK UP anyone in Thailand involved.