In Ukraine, organizations are offering various solutions for avoiding mobilization.
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You are just one of the brain dead millions they sold the Nazi bullshit, and it keeps spewing from your empty brain.
They created the Nazis because they didn't get their foothold in the oil rich Middle East given to them after WWI with the Balfour Declaration. All those that had agreed to creat Israel renigged. So the world got WWII and they got their foothold.
The fact that the Nazi ruse is still playing many decades later just shows how effective the brainwashing was. It also requires everyone to just ignore the Jews that were installed to run Ukraine in 2014 by the Jews that run the cabal, the world media, and the central banks.
Get your head out of your ass and look around.
Both of you are correct. The United States and NATO are on the side of the socialist Nazis. In turn, they make up the communist cabal.
Keep thinking the Nazis were good people and Hitler wasn’t a complete pice of hot garbage. I guess you have your reasons as well as I. I don’t chose the lesser of two evils. It seems you do. To me Nazis and communist are two sides of the same coin. Both funded and organized by the same minds, both let loose to see who could take over the world faster so that they could then establish their one world government. Luckily for us at the time, the United States wasn’t a complete cabal controlled state. It wasn’t until the 60s that total control over the United States was established. This is when the resistance was formed. Hitler as well as the communist used the protocols of Zion as a means of inspiration for their take over. What does that say about both the Nazis and the communist ? Tow puppets of the same mind.
No two sides about it. They are the same side of the same coin. The Bolsheviks were Jews. The Frankfurt School were Bolsheviks that entered Germany and then before the war fled to America. Communism is jewish to it's very core, and although it has been an extremely effective propaganda tool for them, a movement of the common people against the elites, so was / is Nazism.
If they not had total control over the United States before the 60's, we would not have fought either World War, nor would we have had a Central Bank over our money since 1913. Their infiltration and control of the United States goes much further back than you realize.
I think maybe Hitler was a pawn who turned and went about things his own way, not necessarily a hero for humanity like some want to paint him. Don't know if you agree with this. And he is not the only person in history to do so either, Fidel Castro was another asset gone rogue. Sometimes those who are given power and influence develop a thirst for more.
We don't really know what Hitler was for certain. The same people that have written and rewritten the history of WWII are currently rewriting American history and trying to write the legacy of Donald Trump as a white supremacist, womanizing POS.
In my opinion Israel is last because they possess the Samson option with about eighteen nuclear submarines, and just crazy enough to pull the trigger if they don't get their way. Everyone must be aware of who and what they are, and what they have done. They will have to be isolated to conquer.
The reason the end won't be for everyone is that the brainwashing to believe the 'muh chosen' narrative is so deeply ingrained in the Christain people many will never accept that their chosen are indeed the children of Satan as their savior Jesus told them.
control over the United States' many branches of Government was not as strong as it is today prior to JFK being taken out. The very fact that Abraham Lincoln and JFK ever got to be president tells you this well, As well as some other American presidents who openly didn't like Jews being involved in too much.
No doubt it wasn't, but what we have seen since the death of Kennedy is just further consolidation of their power and control. In the beginning they took over just the Federal Government, but that creep has spread into the state legislatures, the Attorneys General, and right down into local police stations.
However, it was strong enough to push a nation into repeated wars, and push a nation into becoming their bank, and the people's money consficated to use for their agenda. They consolidated their power using what was once our money to buy world leaders. Their shitbirds like the Biden's got rich on the scraps they were given from the trillions they helped their masters steal from not only the American people, but from the citizens of every country that has a central bank.
We watched as this happened year after year as their Hollywood assets pumped out more propaganda of the evil Nazis, and more recently the evil Masons, and currently the focus has become the evil Chinese. One day the world will truly understand they always find a scapegoat and pit the world against anyone but themselves.
And I know and understand that communism has Jewish roots, it is inspired by the concept of kibbutz which is community living. The State of Israel started out as socialist living communist settlements called Kibbutz
if you have any evidence to support your claims I will gladly take the time to look and change my views if the evidence points me in that direction.
Read the last two lines again real slow.
Israel last is something we all know too well here, but we have no idea what is really about. No one knows for sure what it means in Detail. The only logical analysis is that Israel appears to be a central hub for corruption on a massive scale, and this would explain the Epstein and Mossad connections to blackmail people into submitting to the will of the elders of zion.