posted ago by gg102 ago by gg102 +62 / -0

Q says "First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]."

There has been a lot of speculation that the first arrest will be: Bush, Brandon, Garland, Roberts, Pope, Queen, Trump, Hillary whomever.

Those don't satisfy the requirement "will verify action and confirm future direction."

What is "future direction?" Well, more arrests, yes, but that's not big enough. You have to do more than just arrest some people, you have to take down a regime, globally or something like that. More than arrest someone. Also, if you arrest someone, does it "Verify action?" I don't see how. It just removes a particular person, not an entrenched regime.

There's more. "First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening." If they arrest Hillary for example, there's NOT "mass trigger mass pop awakening." It would be interesting, but not a "mass pop awakening." What pop[ulation]? Is Q referring to common people or a specific segment of the population, Republicans, Demorats, Catholics?

We need to think big, really big, wide spread, a lot of people involved, people we'd never think of being involved, high level people and low level people, military people, celebrates, politicians, producers, billionaires, millionaires and lots more. This is because "future direction" involves all of these peoples; not just one person.

I'm going to offer that the "FIRST ARREST" already happened. It happened years ago.

I'm going to offer that it was Jeffrey Epstein. That name sends shivers into a whole lot of people. Arresting Jeffrey Epstein frightened perhaps thousands of people, world wide. That person being arrested frightened them so much that he was "suicided" (maybe) in prison, a feat not easily accomplished. It took a lot of effort to silence him, if he's not in the witness protection program.

Now, let's look at the effect of Jeffrey Epstein. He was able to blackmail a whole lot of people. Supreme court judges, Royalty, politicians, Clergy, high level people, low level people, Billionaires, millionaires and more.

Was he indicted first? Yes. Was he arrested? Yes. Did he "awaken a population?" Yes. Did his arrest show a direction? Yes.
The White Hats are going after human/child trafficker's, blackmailed people, Royalty, Clergy etc. etc. all over the world. They are removing the blackmailers. That's the key!!!!!

"THEY WILL FIGHT" Are the Black Hats fighting to save child sacrifice (abortion)? Yes. Are the Black Hats fighting to save human trafficking? Yes. Are the Black Hats fighting to save child trafficking? Yes. Are the Black Hats fighting to save money laundring? Yes. Are the Black Hats fighting to save blackmailing? Yes. Are the Black Hats fighting to save (you name it)? Yes. Was Epstein doing all of this? Yes. Is all of this under the umbrella of Epstein? Yes.

"BUT YOU ARE READY" The great Awakening/ REVEAL it all.

If we are in a war, we should have already passed this initial objective.
Well, we have, bigly.

I could be wrong, but Jeffrey Epstein fits the bill better than most.

Please offer a response.