438 [Arrests] coming! (truthsocial.com) 💥 B Q Q Q Q M 💥 posted 2 years ago by CastleRock 2 years ago by CastleRock +440 / -2 (@ChristianPatriotNews) [Arrests] coming! 92 comments share 92 comments share save hide report block hide replies
We anxiously await the sounds of shackles and chains on these traitors.
Well that was a strongly worded yielding back of time. We'll just have to wait and see what happens about arrests other than words.
Cautiously optimistic, because really, what else is there?
Any day now…
Imma gonna need about 2 weeks on that, fren....
You get 7 days.... 😀
now comes :PAIN
Would gladly pay some Shekels to see the shackles. That would be one pay per view I could get behind.
The plot twist is, the shekels ARE the shackles.