The destructive power of HAARP is said to be in the generation of harmonic waves. I don't understand how it is focused, but I have read repeatedly that it can be focused anywhere in the planet, perhaps even into the ground as well as into the sky. The power of it has been likened to Tesla's "earthquake machine": Whether or not the event attributed to this device ever happened, it is possible to develop incredible amounts of energy from a very modest standing wave. The Tacoma Bridge collapse is a prime example of this:
This scientist claims that HAARP can set off earthquakes with 30 watts of power. He allegedly is an expert on using these waves in geological exploration, like locating gas or oil deposits:
I have worked on seismic crews where we used "vibe" trucks and microphone bags to locate oil. It's so neat watching the helicopter pilot relocate the bags for us. Epic skill.
OK, I'm going to spend some time going through all this in the next couple days. I need to understand the basics of this theory. There are some pretty big holes, some pretty big "leaps," here. Thanks for this!!!
We have been fed the lie that brute-force energy is the only way to get things done. Oscillation, resonance and harmonics are more powerful than they want us to know.
Like the opera singer shattering a glass. It is sustained resonant frequency causing vibration which breaks apart molecule adherence. Like Royal Rife frequency machine break apart cell walls. Like that earthquake in Turkey, collapsed building structure walls. The question we must ask is, what science is actually Science since we have basically been LIED to about everything, why would we think anything the "controllers" state is Fact is in fact FACT. I say it is mostly just Fiction and we had better start search for TRUTH in everything. GAW converts in the past 20 years think FAKE news started since 2000. It's ALL FAKE NEWS.
No. We haven't been lied to about EVERYTHING. Otherwise, you would be part of it (right?). If nothing was true, our civilization would have never formed, because we depend on truth to sustain our technology and economy. The key is to discriminate between lies and truth. And in order to doubt what you are told, YOU HAVE TO BE EDUCATED IN THE SUBJECT. I shout only to emphasize that holding up bogus conspiracy theories because one has paranoid suspicions of scientific developments is the reaction of fearful ignorance. All it takes is some know-nothing snake oil salesman to get your paranoia all keyed up over something you don't understand, be it HAARP, CERN, nuclear technology, or space travel.
You ask a number of questions. I don't pretend to know everything, but there are several HAARP stations around the world:
The destructive power of HAARP is said to be in the generation of harmonic waves. I don't understand how it is focused, but I have read repeatedly that it can be focused anywhere in the planet, perhaps even into the ground as well as into the sky. The power of it has been likened to Tesla's "earthquake machine": Whether or not the event attributed to this device ever happened, it is possible to develop incredible amounts of energy from a very modest standing wave. The Tacoma Bridge collapse is a prime example of this:
This scientist claims that HAARP can set off earthquakes with 30 watts of power. He allegedly is an expert on using these waves in geological exploration, like locating gas or oil deposits:
I have worked on seismic crews where we used "vibe" trucks and microphone bags to locate oil. It's so neat watching the helicopter pilot relocate the bags for us. Epic skill.
OK, I'm going to spend some time going through all this in the next couple days. I need to understand the basics of this theory. There are some pretty big holes, some pretty big "leaps," here. Thanks for this!!!
Dig into Tesla and also Royal Rife.
We have been fed the lie that brute-force energy is the only way to get things done. Oscillation, resonance and harmonics are more powerful than they want us to know.
Like the opera singer shattering a glass. It is sustained resonant frequency causing vibration which breaks apart molecule adherence. Like Royal Rife frequency machine break apart cell walls. Like that earthquake in Turkey, collapsed building structure walls. The question we must ask is, what science is actually Science since we have basically been LIED to about everything, why would we think anything the "controllers" state is Fact is in fact FACT. I say it is mostly just Fiction and we had better start search for TRUTH in everything. GAW converts in the past 20 years think FAKE news started since 2000. It's ALL FAKE NEWS.
No. We haven't been lied to about EVERYTHING. Otherwise, you would be part of it (right?). If nothing was true, our civilization would have never formed, because we depend on truth to sustain our technology and economy. The key is to discriminate between lies and truth. And in order to doubt what you are told, YOU HAVE TO BE EDUCATED IN THE SUBJECT. I shout only to emphasize that holding up bogus conspiracy theories because one has paranoid suspicions of scientific developments is the reaction of fearful ignorance. All it takes is some know-nothing snake oil salesman to get your paranoia all keyed up over something you don't understand, be it HAARP, CERN, nuclear technology, or space travel.