I have worked on seismic crews where we used "vibe" trucks and microphone bags to locate oil. It's so neat watching the helicopter pilot relocate the bags for us. Epic skill.
OK, I'm going to spend some time going through all this in the next couple days. I need to understand the basics of this theory. There are some pretty big holes, some pretty big "leaps," here. Thanks for this!!!
We have been fed the lie that brute-force energy is the only way to get things done. Oscillation, resonance and harmonics are more powerful than they want us to know.
Like the opera singer shattering a glass. It is sustained resonant frequency causing vibration which breaks apart molecule adherence. Like Royal Rife frequency machine break apart cell walls. Like that earthquake in Turkey, collapsed building structure walls. The question we must ask is, what science is actually Science since we have basically been LIED to about everything, why would we think anything the "controllers" state is Fact is in fact FACT. I say it is mostly just Fiction and we had better start search for TRUTH in everything. GAW converts in the past 20 years think FAKE news started since 2000. It's ALL FAKE NEWS.
No. We haven't been lied to about EVERYTHING. Otherwise, you would be part of it (right?). If nothing was true, our civilization would have never formed, because we depend on truth to sustain our technology and economy. The key is to discriminate between lies and truth. And in order to doubt what you are told, YOU HAVE TO BE EDUCATED IN THE SUBJECT. I shout only to emphasize that holding up bogus conspiracy theories because one has paranoid suspicions of scientific developments is the reaction of fearful ignorance. All it takes is some know-nothing snake oil salesman to get your paranoia all keyed up over something you don't understand, be it HAARP, CERN, nuclear technology, or space travel.
Don't need to be trained in anything to work out the logic, that 4 guys with box cutters cannot realistically hijack an airplane with over 300 people on board.
But we ARE part of it. In Fact we ARE the WHOLE of it. This entire existence is only here because we observe and believe it is here. After all, each of our Realities or Truths, is only a reflection of what we each Believe. Our little minds process, interpret, store, and then project the Truth we experience, created by our beliefs of what is TRUE in the first place. So if because of your beliefs, you only experience the reflection of reality that you Believe is possible (resonate with, have the same vibration as, are on the same wavelength with) , then you will only ever find PROOF that confirms your bias (belief) Hence, what is THE truth. Is there a TRUTH, truth? Or are we in fact writing and acting in our own movie. To BE or Not to BE.
to me fake news started when Kennedy was assassinated. That is where my memories go back to. Today I am so tainted by fake news that I really have a hard time trusting anything they pushed on us since then.
There’s another poppycock theory. If opera singers could shatter glass it would be a common parlor trick and there would be videos everywhere. In reality, the human vocal tract cannot generate enough energy nor focus it finely enough to shatter a glass.
Name the last singer to do it.
Mythbusters did it. It was extremely challenging, but with the help of a rock singer and a lot of practice finding the correct frequency they pulled it off.
Sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr3gWpxuJxE
Edit; 2:40 ish into the vid a singer does it
LOL Poppycock. I like that word. But no, it is not "common" because it isn't just one note. The resonant (amplitude) frequency must be a match to the resonate frequency of the "glass" of which there are many types and thickness of glass/crystal, and then once matched it must be held at that resonance to create harmonic oscillation which can break adherence. This is quantum and it is usually by "accident" however; in earthquakes, this is what can cause liquification of rock, ground, and I suppose it is also what can allow the passing through of one "solid" object through another. Like walking through a wall. If all is "light, vibration and frequency" as Tesla was able to show, why would any of this proposed Science be Poppycock.
When we are told "this is FACT" and it becomes the basis for our beliefs, then we have just "LIMITED" our ability to experience anything outside of that paradigm. That is why "the end will not be for everyone" or "4-6% lost forever" because they will not be able to "resonate with Truth that their very eyes, ears, nose, etc are experiencing. (Religious Dogma being a Belief as well) That can then "shatter" your mind. Shutdown.
So its okay, call it Poppycock. Your brain, your mind, does not know what can't BE, until you convince it of what Can't BE. You see your Divine Light Code (DNA) is able to pull infinite inspiration directly from Divine Source and that is why the DNA and the ability to "LINK" must be destroyed. I KNOW we are a race of Hue Man and we have the ability to access infinite knowledge and potential and this TRUTH they have LIED to us about, because the Dumber we Believe we are, the Dumber we BECOME. We collectively are creating this SHITHOLE we are experiencing by our inability to "think NEW THOUGHTS". So try being a Scientist, and clear your mind, think of something you have never allowed yourself to believe possible, and hold that thought, vibrational alignment, resonate with it everyday for 17 days. I think you will find that the reality reflected back at you will then present you with PROOF of your New thought. LOL I have to stop now.
Yes, OK, but, just saying that shouldn't automatically preclude the emergency of a coherent, reasonably explainable theory of what exactly is happening, is my point.
Anyway, I'm late to the party (night shift time zone) but I'll add my 2 cents worth.
An earthquake releases stored energy. It can be triggered by a simple stream of water that lubricates two underground rock faces. There was a big hoohah in the UK about this when fracking triggered a small earthquake in the Midlands area.
The amount of energy required to trigger an earthquake therefore can be tiny.
Exactly how the HAARP antenna array could trigger an earthquake - only those involved in the projects know. I can't guess.
The HAARP antenna array certainly has the "steering" capability: the antenna phases can be altered to focus energy anywhere within visual range.
The original Russian "woodpecker" used pulsed radio frequency to achieve whatever it was designed for. (Top secret but probably weather modification.) By using line-of-sight microwave frequencies, the possibility of picking up the transmissions on an ordinary radio receiver (as per "woodpecker") is eliminated. Detection of microwave transmissions (afaik) is possible only within the beam.
Earthquakes are often preceded by "lights in the sky". I don't know when this was first observed but it's well documented. Microwave pulses aimed at the ionosphere could certainly ionise the air and produce "lights".
Don't be confused by the term "electromagnetic". Think of a microwave oven. It focuses a microwave energy beam on the turntable. If the beam is very narrow, it can be effective over a great distance (think "laser"). The HAARP array extends over a large area; the greater the width, the narrower the focus. (Think satellite TV dish.)
I'm an electronics engineer - think OLD - experienced (and modest, too!). I've dealt with high frequency equipment. Microwave energy reflects off surfaces. It can reflect off atmospheric layers. I can certainly believe that technology exists, which could trigger an earthquake. I was a teenager when I listened to the "woodpecker" on my vacuum tube radio. The Russians, Chinese and Americans have had six decades to work on this technology.
The idea of resonance should not be dismissed. If a powerful energy beam is pulsed at the Schumann frequency and aimed (or reflected) at the Earth, I can imagine that bad things could happen. It might be worth looking at this page when an earthquake occurs:
I just bought "Angels don't play this HAARP - Advances in Tesla Technology".
(You can get a free PDF copy if you know where to look.)
I once worked on and operated the radar system for SM1 and SM2 missiles. One of the radars was in the microwave range of frequencies and did as precisely you stated.
Be aware of the patent pushers. There are many patents related to HAARP and every other fantastic scheme. I had a friend who patented a means for gathering energy from black holes. Having a patent doesn't mean it works or exists, but it's a favorite "proof."
"Be[ing] aware of patent pushers," suggests that a patent existing for something is "not good evidence." On the contrary, it is excellent evidence. Getting a U.S. patent is not easy. If you successfully get a patent, it suggests that it is at least plausible within the context of sound principles of engineering.
I agree that such "excellent evidence" is not sufficient evidence to meet the burden of proof of "beyond a reasonable doubt" for something working or existing, but that doesn't make it not excellent evidence.
You can patent anything in the USA, even a perpetual motion machine. (but it has to come with a working model)
It has to come with a proven tested model, so it's a little more stringent than you suggest.
The patent approval process is not easy. It takes quite a bit. That doesn't mean that everything patented works, or that "a patent makes it true," but it does suggest that it is at the very least determined plausible by someone who has, at a minimum, a B.S. in the field of applicability of the device in question (electrical engineering for an electronic device, chemical engineering for a chemical device, etc.). In addition, if the device is "extraordinary," the patent process requires proof of work. If it is really extraordinary, it requires independent testing.
It's far from a perfect process, and I think there is a great deal of fuckery in there. I have seen evidence of both promoting things that don't work to purposefully cause "conspiracy theories" (most "crazy" conspiracy theories are created by the C_A as a form of controlled opposition), and purposefully not granting patents on things that do work for the purposes of highjacking real advancements.
You may be able to patent almost anything, but you can't just "get a patent." In addition, the more unlikely the product, the more likely the product was created by the government (or an affiliate), either as part of a black ops project, or for the reasons stated above.
As to perpetual motion...
A device that is filled with uranium surrounded by rocks to absorb (most of) the energy that creates heat is a "perpetual heating" device until you understand nuclear physics. A device that puts out more energy than it takes in is absolutely possible, including a device that requires zero energy input, and produces effectively unlimited energy. Such a device could work from now until the end of time if it say, took energy from the universe itself. Our current physics models state that what we call matter is just energy, but they also suggest there's a whole lot of energy in between all that "matter" stuff as well. On top of this "quantum vacuum energy", the universe seems to be on a course of accelerating expansion. Where is the energy coming from for that? No one knows. Presumably it's coming from some where, which means our concepts of "what the universe is" are likely missing something very important.
Regardless of the possibility or impossibility of a "perpetual motion device" (which is, I suggest, just a poor choice of words), if someone were to come up with a device that seems to draw energy from an unknown source, it would almost certainly not get a patent because the patent office, or rather the final determinant of the patent office, the National Bureau of Standards (now the NIST) was created by John D. Rockefeller (or rather, his agents) in 1901. This system was designed specifically as a gatekeeper for all technology. This ensured that no advancements would ever happen without the approval of the one and only corporation that exists in the world, built by John D. Rockefeller.
The owner of all energy (oil, coal, gas, nuclear, solar, etc.) would hardly want a device that produced "unlimited energy," thus any device that supplied such would be nipped in the bud post haste, if it existed.
"Evidence" of what? That someone had a bright idea that was superficially plausible? Certainly not evidence of anything that is in practice or is workable. I have nine patents. One of them came from work that did result in a working model, but the patent examiners knew nothing of it.
Certainly not evidence of anything that is in practice or is workable.
I stated that ""excellent evidence" [in the patent] is not sufficient evidence to meet the burden of proof of "beyond a reasonable doubt" for something working or existing."
Which part of that are you protesting?
When you look at a patent for a device, if you have sufficient knowledge, you can work out how it works pretty reasonably. With such knowledge and investigation, you can also consider reasonable use cases. In the case of HAARP, it is stated that the technology works the same as the technology the patent describes. The technology description on official pages doesn't itself mention weather control, but the patent does. If you read the patent, it seems quite likely that it can be used for that purpose. Thus the patent, in this case, both describes the tech being used by HAARP and states "weather control" as a use for it, and also describes, very reasonably, how that is accomplished. It's more than just "plausible" that it is being used to modify the weather. Thus the patent for HAARP is very good evidence, thus "pushing the patent" is very sound in the exposition of this being used outside of its officially stated parameters of "measuring the ionosphere."
This third piece of evidence of BAE Systems strongly supports the idea that HAARP is being used to modify the weather.
In all cases using the patent as evidence is very sound, and thus being a "patent pusher" makes you a very good investigator.
Which was my point.
Having said that, I can't find evidence of it being used to start earthquakes, as I have mentioned in other replies. That doesn't mean it isn't, but I doubt it is. No one is "pushing the patent" for that use case though, so suggesting that "pushing patents" is bad evidence is neither accurate nor applicable. If a patent says something is being used for something, and that something looks like it is happening, then it is good evidence. It's just not sufficient.
Just because I don't think HAARP is being used to create earthquakes doesn't mean that earthquakes aren't intentional through other technology.
Throwing my uninformed 2 cents in the mix but along the lines of science not craziness, what if the Grammys being right before and being a massively (or they try to still be) broadcasted event could provide cover for energy and radio outputs. Doesn't mean it has to be the Grammys but like the Superbowl is in 3 days as well as to why other nations don't call us on it.
I have worked on seismic crews where we used "vibe" trucks and microphone bags to locate oil. It's so neat watching the helicopter pilot relocate the bags for us. Epic skill.
OK, I'm going to spend some time going through all this in the next couple days. I need to understand the basics of this theory. There are some pretty big holes, some pretty big "leaps," here. Thanks for this!!!
Dig into Tesla and also Royal Rife.
We have been fed the lie that brute-force energy is the only way to get things done. Oscillation, resonance and harmonics are more powerful than they want us to know.
Like the opera singer shattering a glass. It is sustained resonant frequency causing vibration which breaks apart molecule adherence. Like Royal Rife frequency machine break apart cell walls. Like that earthquake in Turkey, collapsed building structure walls. The question we must ask is, what science is actually Science since we have basically been LIED to about everything, why would we think anything the "controllers" state is Fact is in fact FACT. I say it is mostly just Fiction and we had better start search for TRUTH in everything. GAW converts in the past 20 years think FAKE news started since 2000. It's ALL FAKE NEWS.
No. We haven't been lied to about EVERYTHING. Otherwise, you would be part of it (right?). If nothing was true, our civilization would have never formed, because we depend on truth to sustain our technology and economy. The key is to discriminate between lies and truth. And in order to doubt what you are told, YOU HAVE TO BE EDUCATED IN THE SUBJECT. I shout only to emphasize that holding up bogus conspiracy theories because one has paranoid suspicions of scientific developments is the reaction of fearful ignorance. All it takes is some know-nothing snake oil salesman to get your paranoia all keyed up over something you don't understand, be it HAARP, CERN, nuclear technology, or space travel.
Don't need to be trained in anything to work out the logic, that 4 guys with box cutters cannot realistically hijack an airplane with over 300 people on board.
But we ARE part of it. In Fact we ARE the WHOLE of it. This entire existence is only here because we observe and believe it is here. After all, each of our Realities or Truths, is only a reflection of what we each Believe. Our little minds process, interpret, store, and then project the Truth we experience, created by our beliefs of what is TRUE in the first place. So if because of your beliefs, you only experience the reflection of reality that you Believe is possible (resonate with, have the same vibration as, are on the same wavelength with) , then you will only ever find PROOF that confirms your bias (belief) Hence, what is THE truth. Is there a TRUTH, truth? Or are we in fact writing and acting in our own movie. To BE or Not to BE.
No. Science can be figured out by anyone. That's literally what science is. It's why we didn't fall for the vax.
to me fake news started when Kennedy was assassinated. That is where my memories go back to. Today I am so tainted by fake news that I really have a hard time trusting anything they pushed on us since then.
There’s another poppycock theory. If opera singers could shatter glass it would be a common parlor trick and there would be videos everywhere. In reality, the human vocal tract cannot generate enough energy nor focus it finely enough to shatter a glass. Name the last singer to do it.
Mythbusters did it. It was extremely challenging, but with the help of a rock singer and a lot of practice finding the correct frequency they pulled it off. Sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr3gWpxuJxE Edit; 2:40 ish into the vid a singer does it
LOL Poppycock. I like that word. But no, it is not "common" because it isn't just one note. The resonant (amplitude) frequency must be a match to the resonate frequency of the "glass" of which there are many types and thickness of glass/crystal, and then once matched it must be held at that resonance to create harmonic oscillation which can break adherence. This is quantum and it is usually by "accident" however; in earthquakes, this is what can cause liquification of rock, ground, and I suppose it is also what can allow the passing through of one "solid" object through another. Like walking through a wall. If all is "light, vibration and frequency" as Tesla was able to show, why would any of this proposed Science be Poppycock.
When we are told "this is FACT" and it becomes the basis for our beliefs, then we have just "LIMITED" our ability to experience anything outside of that paradigm. That is why "the end will not be for everyone" or "4-6% lost forever" because they will not be able to "resonate with Truth that their very eyes, ears, nose, etc are experiencing. (Religious Dogma being a Belief as well) That can then "shatter" your mind. Shutdown.
So its okay, call it Poppycock. Your brain, your mind, does not know what can't BE, until you convince it of what Can't BE. You see your Divine Light Code (DNA) is able to pull infinite inspiration directly from Divine Source and that is why the DNA and the ability to "LINK" must be destroyed. I KNOW we are a race of Hue Man and we have the ability to access infinite knowledge and potential and this TRUTH they have LIED to us about, because the Dumber we Believe we are, the Dumber we BECOME. We collectively are creating this SHITHOLE we are experiencing by our inability to "think NEW THOUGHTS". So try being a Scientist, and clear your mind, think of something you have never allowed yourself to believe possible, and hold that thought, vibrational alignment, resonate with it everyday for 17 days. I think you will find that the reality reflected back at you will then present you with PROOF of your New thought. LOL I have to stop now.
Well said!
That's not enough. That's merely "personal incredulity" masked with word salad
Yes, OK, but, just saying that shouldn't automatically preclude the emergency of a coherent, reasonably explainable theory of what exactly is happening, is my point.
Anyway, I'm late to the party (night shift time zone) but I'll add my 2 cents worth.
An earthquake releases stored energy. It can be triggered by a simple stream of water that lubricates two underground rock faces. There was a big hoohah in the UK about this when fracking triggered a small earthquake in the Midlands area.
The amount of energy required to trigger an earthquake therefore can be tiny.
Exactly how the HAARP antenna array could trigger an earthquake - only those involved in the projects know. I can't guess.
The HAARP antenna array certainly has the "steering" capability: the antenna phases can be altered to focus energy anywhere within visual range.
The original Russian "woodpecker" used pulsed radio frequency to achieve whatever it was designed for. (Top secret but probably weather modification.) By using line-of-sight microwave frequencies, the possibility of picking up the transmissions on an ordinary radio receiver (as per "woodpecker") is eliminated. Detection of microwave transmissions (afaik) is possible only within the beam.
Earthquakes are often preceded by "lights in the sky". I don't know when this was first observed but it's well documented. Microwave pulses aimed at the ionosphere could certainly ionise the air and produce "lights".
Don't be confused by the term "electromagnetic". Think of a microwave oven. It focuses a microwave energy beam on the turntable. If the beam is very narrow, it can be effective over a great distance (think "laser"). The HAARP array extends over a large area; the greater the width, the narrower the focus. (Think satellite TV dish.)
I'm an electronics engineer - think OLD - experienced (and modest, too!). I've dealt with high frequency equipment. Microwave energy reflects off surfaces. It can reflect off atmospheric layers. I can certainly believe that technology exists, which could trigger an earthquake. I was a teenager when I listened to the "woodpecker" on my vacuum tube radio. The Russians, Chinese and Americans have had six decades to work on this technology.
The idea of resonance should not be dismissed. If a powerful energy beam is pulsed at the Schumann frequency and aimed (or reflected) at the Earth, I can imagine that bad things could happen. It might be worth looking at this page when an earthquake occurs: https://in5d.com/todays-live-schumann-resonance-charts-and-resources/
I just bought "Angels don't play this HAARP - Advances in Tesla Technology".
(You can get a free PDF copy if you know where to look.)
There's an interview of the author discussing the book here (1995): https://files.catbox.moe/gkus9l.mp3
Gives a quick overview of the book. Worth a listen.
I once worked on and operated the radar system for SM1 and SM2 missiles. One of the radars was in the microwave range of frequencies and did as precisely you stated.
It's no lie if that's the only way things can get done. Mumbo-jumbo has no power whatsoever. No evidence of it.
Be aware of the patent pushers. There are many patents related to HAARP and every other fantastic scheme. I had a friend who patented a means for gathering energy from black holes. Having a patent doesn't mean it works or exists, but it's a favorite "proof."
"Be[ing] aware of patent pushers," suggests that a patent existing for something is "not good evidence." On the contrary, it is excellent evidence. Getting a U.S. patent is not easy. If you successfully get a patent, it suggests that it is at least plausible within the context of sound principles of engineering.
I agree that such "excellent evidence" is not sufficient evidence to meet the burden of proof of "beyond a reasonable doubt" for something working or existing, but that doesn't make it not excellent evidence.
You can patent anything in the USA, even a perpetual motion machine. (but it has to come with a working model)
Some of the USN patents are batshit crazy, but they are there.
It has to come with a proven tested model, so it's a little more stringent than you suggest.
The patent approval process is not easy. It takes quite a bit. That doesn't mean that everything patented works, or that "a patent makes it true," but it does suggest that it is at the very least determined plausible by someone who has, at a minimum, a B.S. in the field of applicability of the device in question (electrical engineering for an electronic device, chemical engineering for a chemical device, etc.). In addition, if the device is "extraordinary," the patent process requires proof of work. If it is really extraordinary, it requires independent testing.
It's far from a perfect process, and I think there is a great deal of fuckery in there. I have seen evidence of both promoting things that don't work to purposefully cause "conspiracy theories" (most "crazy" conspiracy theories are created by the C_A as a form of controlled opposition), and purposefully not granting patents on things that do work for the purposes of highjacking real advancements.
You may be able to patent almost anything, but you can't just "get a patent." In addition, the more unlikely the product, the more likely the product was created by the government (or an affiliate), either as part of a black ops project, or for the reasons stated above.
As to perpetual motion...
A device that is filled with uranium surrounded by rocks to absorb (most of) the energy that creates heat is a "perpetual heating" device until you understand nuclear physics. A device that puts out more energy than it takes in is absolutely possible, including a device that requires zero energy input, and produces effectively unlimited energy. Such a device could work from now until the end of time if it say, took energy from the universe itself. Our current physics models state that what we call matter is just energy, but they also suggest there's a whole lot of energy in between all that "matter" stuff as well. On top of this "quantum vacuum energy", the universe seems to be on a course of accelerating expansion. Where is the energy coming from for that? No one knows. Presumably it's coming from some where, which means our concepts of "what the universe is" are likely missing something very important.
Regardless of the possibility or impossibility of a "perpetual motion device" (which is, I suggest, just a poor choice of words), if someone were to come up with a device that seems to draw energy from an unknown source, it would almost certainly not get a patent because the patent office, or rather the final determinant of the patent office, the National Bureau of Standards (now the NIST) was created by John D. Rockefeller (or rather, his agents) in 1901. This system was designed specifically as a gatekeeper for all technology. This ensured that no advancements would ever happen without the approval of the one and only corporation that exists in the world, built by John D. Rockefeller.
The owner of all energy (oil, coal, gas, nuclear, solar, etc.) would hardly want a device that produced "unlimited energy," thus any device that supplied such would be nipped in the bud post haste, if it existed.
"Evidence" of what? That someone had a bright idea that was superficially plausible? Certainly not evidence of anything that is in practice or is workable. I have nine patents. One of them came from work that did result in a working model, but the patent examiners knew nothing of it.
I stated that ""excellent evidence" [in the patent] is not sufficient evidence to meet the burden of proof of "beyond a reasonable doubt" for something working or existing."
Which part of that are you protesting?
When you look at a patent for a device, if you have sufficient knowledge, you can work out how it works pretty reasonably. With such knowledge and investigation, you can also consider reasonable use cases. In the case of HAARP, it is stated that the technology works the same as the technology the patent describes. The technology description on official pages doesn't itself mention weather control, but the patent does. If you read the patent, it seems quite likely that it can be used for that purpose. Thus the patent, in this case, both describes the tech being used by HAARP and states "weather control" as a use for it, and also describes, very reasonably, how that is accomplished. It's more than just "plausible" that it is being used to modify the weather. Thus the patent for HAARP is very good evidence, thus "pushing the patent" is very sound in the exposition of this being used outside of its officially stated parameters of "measuring the ionosphere."
The patent for the HAARP tech (linked above) is stated to modify the weather. This patent was awarded to BAE Systems in 1987. The HAARP contract was awarded to BAE Systems a few years later.
This third piece of evidence of BAE Systems strongly supports the idea that HAARP is being used to modify the weather.
In all cases using the patent as evidence is very sound, and thus being a "patent pusher" makes you a very good investigator.
Which was my point.
Having said that, I can't find evidence of it being used to start earthquakes, as I have mentioned in other replies. That doesn't mean it isn't, but I doubt it is. No one is "pushing the patent" for that use case though, so suggesting that "pushing patents" is bad evidence is neither accurate nor applicable. If a patent says something is being used for something, and that something looks like it is happening, then it is good evidence. It's just not sufficient.
Just because I don't think HAARP is being used to create earthquakes doesn't mean that earthquakes aren't intentional through other technology.
Throwing my uninformed 2 cents in the mix but along the lines of science not craziness, what if the Grammys being right before and being a massively (or they try to still be) broadcasted event could provide cover for energy and radio outputs. Doesn't mean it has to be the Grammys but like the Superbowl is in 3 days as well as to why other nations don't call us on it.
I did not know you were a Doodle Bugger! KEK