Like the opera singer shattering a glass. It is sustained resonant frequency causing vibration which breaks apart molecule adherence. Like Royal Rife frequency machine break apart cell walls. Like that earthquake in Turkey, collapsed building structure walls. The question we must ask is, what science is actually Science since we have basically been LIED to about everything, why would we think anything the "controllers" state is Fact is in fact FACT. I say it is mostly just Fiction and we had better start search for TRUTH in everything. GAW converts in the past 20 years think FAKE news started since 2000. It's ALL FAKE NEWS.
No. We haven't been lied to about EVERYTHING. Otherwise, you would be part of it (right?). If nothing was true, our civilization would have never formed, because we depend on truth to sustain our technology and economy. The key is to discriminate between lies and truth. And in order to doubt what you are told, YOU HAVE TO BE EDUCATED IN THE SUBJECT. I shout only to emphasize that holding up bogus conspiracy theories because one has paranoid suspicions of scientific developments is the reaction of fearful ignorance. All it takes is some know-nothing snake oil salesman to get your paranoia all keyed up over something you don't understand, be it HAARP, CERN, nuclear technology, or space travel.
Don't need to be trained in anything to work out the logic, that 4 guys with box cutters cannot realistically hijack an airplane with over 300 people on board.
In your imagination. All it takes is the demonstration of one bloody death, and 300 people are effectively trapped in seats that do not permit free movement. Especially when the prevalent indoctrination is that it is better to acquiesce to highjackings (as they only go to refuge nations).
You are an excellent example of an ignoramus thinking he knows it all.
But we ARE part of it. In Fact we ARE the WHOLE of it. This entire existence is only here because we observe and believe it is here. After all, each of our Realities or Truths, is only a reflection of what we each Believe. Our little minds process, interpret, store, and then project the Truth we experience, created by our beliefs of what is TRUE in the first place. So if because of your beliefs, you only experience the reflection of reality that you Believe is possible (resonate with, have the same vibration as, are on the same wavelength with) , then you will only ever find PROOF that confirms your bias (belief) Hence, what is THE truth. Is there a TRUTH, truth? Or are we in fact writing and acting in our own movie. To BE or Not to BE.
I started my career in learn that reality will go "boom" despite what my preferences might be. Science is the act of finding the truth, despite our wishes about it. It is not just a long, dreamy ride through the land of bias confirmation.
Thank you. The crystal healing style nonsense some GAW posters makes me borderline blackpilled about the ongoing reliability of this site. Glad some sanity remains.
to me fake news started when Kennedy was assassinated. That is where my memories go back to. Today I am so tainted by fake news that I really have a hard time trusting anything they pushed on us since then.
There’s another poppycock theory. If opera singers could shatter glass it would be a common parlor trick and there would be videos everywhere. In reality, the human vocal tract cannot generate enough energy nor focus it finely enough to shatter a glass.
Name the last singer to do it.
Mythbusters did it. It was extremely challenging, but with the help of a rock singer and a lot of practice finding the correct frequency they pulled it off.
Edit; 2:40 ish into the vid a singer does it
LOL Poppycock. I like that word. But no, it is not "common" because it isn't just one note. The resonant (amplitude) frequency must be a match to the resonate frequency of the "glass" of which there are many types and thickness of glass/crystal, and then once matched it must be held at that resonance to create harmonic oscillation which can break adherence. This is quantum and it is usually by "accident" however; in earthquakes, this is what can cause liquification of rock, ground, and I suppose it is also what can allow the passing through of one "solid" object through another. Like walking through a wall. If all is "light, vibration and frequency" as Tesla was able to show, why would any of this proposed Science be Poppycock.
When we are told "this is FACT" and it becomes the basis for our beliefs, then we have just "LIMITED" our ability to experience anything outside of that paradigm. That is why "the end will not be for everyone" or "4-6% lost forever" because they will not be able to "resonate with Truth that their very eyes, ears, nose, etc are experiencing. (Religious Dogma being a Belief as well) That can then "shatter" your mind. Shutdown.
So its okay, call it Poppycock. Your brain, your mind, does not know what can't BE, until you convince it of what Can't BE. You see your Divine Light Code (DNA) is able to pull infinite inspiration directly from Divine Source and that is why the DNA and the ability to "LINK" must be destroyed. I KNOW we are a race of Hue Man and we have the ability to access infinite knowledge and potential and this TRUTH they have LIED to us about, because the Dumber we Believe we are, the Dumber we BECOME. We collectively are creating this SHITHOLE we are experiencing by our inability to "think NEW THOUGHTS". So try being a Scientist, and clear your mind, think of something you have never allowed yourself to believe possible, and hold that thought, vibrational alignment, resonate with it everyday for 17 days. I think you will find that the reality reflected back at you will then present you with PROOF of your New thought. LOL I have to stop now.
Like the opera singer shattering a glass. It is sustained resonant frequency causing vibration which breaks apart molecule adherence. Like Royal Rife frequency machine break apart cell walls. Like that earthquake in Turkey, collapsed building structure walls. The question we must ask is, what science is actually Science since we have basically been LIED to about everything, why would we think anything the "controllers" state is Fact is in fact FACT. I say it is mostly just Fiction and we had better start search for TRUTH in everything. GAW converts in the past 20 years think FAKE news started since 2000. It's ALL FAKE NEWS.
No. We haven't been lied to about EVERYTHING. Otherwise, you would be part of it (right?). If nothing was true, our civilization would have never formed, because we depend on truth to sustain our technology and economy. The key is to discriminate between lies and truth. And in order to doubt what you are told, YOU HAVE TO BE EDUCATED IN THE SUBJECT. I shout only to emphasize that holding up bogus conspiracy theories because one has paranoid suspicions of scientific developments is the reaction of fearful ignorance. All it takes is some know-nothing snake oil salesman to get your paranoia all keyed up over something you don't understand, be it HAARP, CERN, nuclear technology, or space travel.
Don't need to be trained in anything to work out the logic, that 4 guys with box cutters cannot realistically hijack an airplane with over 300 people on board.
In your imagination. All it takes is the demonstration of one bloody death, and 300 people are effectively trapped in seats that do not permit free movement. Especially when the prevalent indoctrination is that it is better to acquiesce to highjackings (as they only go to refuge nations).
You are an excellent example of an ignoramus thinking he knows it all.
You are an excellent example of an ignoramus who knows nothing about aviation.
But we ARE part of it. In Fact we ARE the WHOLE of it. This entire existence is only here because we observe and believe it is here. After all, each of our Realities or Truths, is only a reflection of what we each Believe. Our little minds process, interpret, store, and then project the Truth we experience, created by our beliefs of what is TRUE in the first place. So if because of your beliefs, you only experience the reflection of reality that you Believe is possible (resonate with, have the same vibration as, are on the same wavelength with) , then you will only ever find PROOF that confirms your bias (belief) Hence, what is THE truth. Is there a TRUTH, truth? Or are we in fact writing and acting in our own movie. To BE or Not to BE.
I started my career in learn that reality will go "boom" despite what my preferences might be. Science is the act of finding the truth, despite our wishes about it. It is not just a long, dreamy ride through the land of bias confirmation.
Thank you. The crystal healing style nonsense some GAW posters makes me borderline blackpilled about the ongoing reliability of this site. Glad some sanity remains.
No. Science can be figured out by anyone. That's literally what science is. It's why we didn't fall for the vax.
to me fake news started when Kennedy was assassinated. That is where my memories go back to. Today I am so tainted by fake news that I really have a hard time trusting anything they pushed on us since then.
There’s another poppycock theory. If opera singers could shatter glass it would be a common parlor trick and there would be videos everywhere. In reality, the human vocal tract cannot generate enough energy nor focus it finely enough to shatter a glass. Name the last singer to do it.
Mythbusters did it. It was extremely challenging, but with the help of a rock singer and a lot of practice finding the correct frequency they pulled it off. Sauce: Edit; 2:40 ish into the vid a singer does it
LOL Poppycock. I like that word. But no, it is not "common" because it isn't just one note. The resonant (amplitude) frequency must be a match to the resonate frequency of the "glass" of which there are many types and thickness of glass/crystal, and then once matched it must be held at that resonance to create harmonic oscillation which can break adherence. This is quantum and it is usually by "accident" however; in earthquakes, this is what can cause liquification of rock, ground, and I suppose it is also what can allow the passing through of one "solid" object through another. Like walking through a wall. If all is "light, vibration and frequency" as Tesla was able to show, why would any of this proposed Science be Poppycock.
When we are told "this is FACT" and it becomes the basis for our beliefs, then we have just "LIMITED" our ability to experience anything outside of that paradigm. That is why "the end will not be for everyone" or "4-6% lost forever" because they will not be able to "resonate with Truth that their very eyes, ears, nose, etc are experiencing. (Religious Dogma being a Belief as well) That can then "shatter" your mind. Shutdown.
So its okay, call it Poppycock. Your brain, your mind, does not know what can't BE, until you convince it of what Can't BE. You see your Divine Light Code (DNA) is able to pull infinite inspiration directly from Divine Source and that is why the DNA and the ability to "LINK" must be destroyed. I KNOW we are a race of Hue Man and we have the ability to access infinite knowledge and potential and this TRUTH they have LIED to us about, because the Dumber we Believe we are, the Dumber we BECOME. We collectively are creating this SHITHOLE we are experiencing by our inability to "think NEW THOUGHTS". So try being a Scientist, and clear your mind, think of something you have never allowed yourself to believe possible, and hold that thought, vibrational alignment, resonate with it everyday for 17 days. I think you will find that the reality reflected back at you will then present you with PROOF of your New thought. LOL I have to stop now.
Well said!