630 I'm glad there is at least 1 person in Congress that gets it... 1913 made us slaves to the American Corporation System with the introduction of income tax and Central Banking, which puts more money into the pockets of the elites... (media.greatawakening.win) 🔍 Notable posted 2 years ago by purkiss80 2 years ago by purkiss80 +630 / -0 95 comments download share 95 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
?? Who?...Me...Unfortunately not...😉
Then what's up with the title/heading to your post?
By the way, We are all the same in this movement of Awakened souls...makes no difference where you come from...
Should have been "1913 made the US slaves"...Sorry..cant edit once posted...just a question...Does it make a difference whether I am one or not?...
Just not a big fan of people who aren't American citizens pretending to be American citizens.
Gee, maybe handshakes should learn to pick fights that matter instead on reeeing over unimportant things. Do you dissagree with the premise of the post or did you just decide the board needed more division to spice things up?
I have never pretended to be Anything else Than South African...As fucked up as it is its still the Country of my birth...So don't think otherwise...