Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI
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Anybody notice how all this crap occurred in Commie states. Covid has been a non-issue where I live since shortly after the 2 weeks to kill the population propaganda. Businesses that required masks suffered with many of them going out of business while everybody just went on with their lives. Employers who tried to require the vaccine had no employees while those who did not prospered.
Communism has always been the goal. William Cooper exposed this in his "Behold a Pale Horse" book in the early 1990s showing exhibit after exhibit. World government will be communism that presents itself in the name of 'democracy'.
Wth thsts grest ,, What state do you live ? We need to all move there lol
S Carolina. The governor made it a crime for anybody to ask your vaccination status including employers and hospitals. I spent 5 days in the hospital in July and was never asked vax status.
Wow , I talked about moving there 2 different friends just moved to Charleston , they sold there houses here in San Diego for over 2 mill and bought there for half the price , my one friend bought a home here for 1.3 five years ago and sold it for 2.8 ,, it’s rediculous! ,, it’s beautiful there I’m going in may
I've been telling my wife when corporations were using coercion to take the clot shot or lose their jobs that a religious exemption will put people at risk of being on a target list for future course of action. My wife's company basically stated so. My question then was who was directing corporations to implement these policies? They were certainly unprecedented and unlawful, especially with an experimental vax☠xine. I was truly shocked that this was happening. It defied the law of the land and logic to me. There was never really an published EO for private corporations to mandate this, despite Biden telling corporations to do so. It was a trickery to deceive Americans. So who was pushing the mandate in corporations? I believed the pressure was coming from Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street. These three firms own the vast majority of corporations in America. And we now have verification from Blackrock's CEO Larry Fink stating this himself under the guise of ESG.
The bottom line is the unvax☠xed are in peril for being herded into a category for slaughter.
Is it a coincidence the FBI was just caught labeling devout Catholics as extremist and possible terrorists? Is it a coincidence that the Atlantic last August labeled Rosary as an extremist symbol?
Is it a coincidence Mark Houck, a pro-life father of seven, was arrested at his home a year later following a federal indictment alleging he violated the 1994 Freedom of Access to (Abortion) Clinic Entrances Act, known as “FACE, ” which prohibits “obstructive conduct intended to…interfere with the right to …obtain, or provide” an abortion?
Is it a coincidence at the time of the arrest that “a SWAT team came to his house with about 15 vehicles” and "20-plus federal agents and state troopers, with at least 5 federal agents on his porch pointing M-16s at him and his wife?
Is it a coincidence that Haulk was shackled at the waist and feet and taken to the federal building and treated as if he was John Dillinger himself?
Recently, liberal Democrat activist Alec Baldwin, charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the 2021 fatal shooting on a movie set, along with Hannah Guiterrez Reed, were permitted to conveniently turn themselves over to authorities accompanied by their lawyers. This is often the case with felony prosecutions involving defendants who uphold the regime's 'right' think. Mark Houck and pro-life activists like him are however, have 'wrong' think, hence, they will suffer SWAT raids on their family homes and every other indignity that can be imposed under color of law.
I hope Christians are seeing the thread being woven here before it becomes an extensive gossamer ensnaring Christians everywhere, to which we are hunted, criminalized, and experience the same fate as the Uyghurs and Falon Gong. Organ harvesting anyone?...... Look at MA proposed law and Ukraine's black market? It's evil spreading.....
This is a damning report.
WTF is wrong with these ppl?!?!
We are already at war...whether people realize it or not...