This is just another 'cool technology' that will have chilling consequences.
We already have search engines that won't allow us to find 'certain types' of information.
We already have credit cards that won't allow us to buy 'certain' products.
We now have an AI that can instantly provide 'all knowledge' (except for 'certain' portions of history that it has decided to erase).
And the AI even provides a 'pleasant conversational assistant' that will constantly tell us that it is 'inappropriate' to bring up 'certain' topics.
We are being herded.
They create the technology.
They sell us the benefits.
Then they re-train the population.
Our only defense is to be keenly aware of the effort to re-train us.
Please spread the message.
I mean....the bible is conditioning you as well. Hate to break it to you. LSD will teach you more than being a Christian will ever do.
"LSD will teach you more than being a Christian will ever do"
Dumbest thing I read today
Absolutely stupid. While the prophets and also some of the philosophers used substances to break through mental limits...saying drugs will teach you more than what even from an agnostic point of view is one of the most important texts of all time is retarded
Watch Jordan Peterson's biblical series, it's not preachy at all but it shows you how deep the Bible is
The Bible is conditioning for the GOOD.
Such as:
All is one
Everything is alive with living energy
Physical reality is an illusion and your mind and your thoughts create your version of it
Love is the most important vibration
You can cleanse your vibration with thoughts of love and heal yourself
There are no coincidences, everything is connected
Proper breathing (with love and faith) is powerful
.....just to name a few, BUT, its not for everyone, and you need to be in the right mindset to use it.