US citizens urged to leave Russia Monday morning...
💥Rocky IV Flag?💥
This is supposedly to avoid wrongful detention... but why now all of a sudden? The timing is... strange.
They're safer in Russia than any US city.
American anon living in Russia here, can confirm comfy.
Ohhh ... would love your take on everything from what the average Russian thinks of Americans and America, what they believe about Putin, Ukraine, the war, what it's like to live there, the cost of living, the freedoms / restrictions, anything and everything you are willing to share. Thanks.
Average Russian take on America and Americans is actually remarkably similar to ours here at GAW: "land of the free, could be a really great place, what evil leaders, wow do some of those people believe their media too much."
On Putin: opinions vary, but pretty much people agree that he's more or less right on most things, and just disagree with specific decisions. I'm not as sure I've got the pulse on this, but it's definitely not widespread negative mood.
Ukraine: everybody has family or friends there, nobody wants war, many are against it, many totally support it as necessary for the survival of Russia. They know it's the deep state—they knew a lot of the stuff BioClandestine has been posting about going into this. Lots of people are shocked and relieved that I as an American am in support.
Living here is really amazing. I have a lot of children and they were so crazy cooped up in the USA. Here they have freedom. Russians look at us like we have three heads when we tell them the kinds of things that trigger CPS calls in America.
Cost of living is much less, but so is income. Lots more ownership of homes.
We are so much freer here we hardly know what to do in some ways.
Ask more questions as you like!
are there any freedoms we have in america that you don't have in russia?