‘For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life. Therefore I say to the Israelites, "None of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood." Leviticus 17.
Those that worship satan serve a counterfeit god. When Jesus died on the cross, He shed His blood so we didn’t have to keep offering up blood sacrifices for their sins. Jesus was that perfect sacrifice for ALL. While Jesus hung between heaven and hell on the cross, when he died, the curtain in the temple was ripped from top to bottom. That meant that gentiles had access to God. The Israelites were under the LAW but when Jesus replaced those blood sacrifices, it opened the way for us sinners (Jew and Gentile) to have direct access to God thru belief in what Jesus did. John 3:16. We are now under GRACE. No more need for blood sacrifice.
Satanists and those that hate Jesus Christ and mock Him, have replaced Jesus with themselves. They have been duped into thinking they too can be gods. It’s a lie of satan. Their rituals give them life, but they have to keep repeating it over and over. They are never satisfied. Blood is an obsession. They think by drinking blood, they will become a god. There is no peace, only servitude and this is why they hate Christians and want to destroy them. Today they replace God with worshiping creation, or any numbers of objects that they deem worthy. It’s a terrible pointless life that gives no peace. They are filled with hate and jealousy and lash out at the one true God that gave them life and of course those that have recognised His sacrifice on the cross.
I’ve watched the terrible destruction of families at the hands of this cult for decades. While Leviticus 17 is used often to justify not accepting blood transfusions, other scriptures they twist like 144,000 etc. and John 1:1 where they reduce Jesus down to one of many gods, not on pare with Almighty God. While they profess love they rarely walk that love. The Bible teaches “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Matthew 7:16. I’ve witnessed as my wicked BIL was party to kicking my beautiful SIL out of the JWs when ready to give birth saying she had an affair. Her last baby looked more like him than their other two. He had multiple affairs, but because he was a male, that didn’t matter. I’ve seen my Sisters husbands brother threaten his parents that if they didn’t join, they would never see their grandchildren again. And after my Father died, my Mother was receiving JWs pamphlets and when I asked were they visiting, she replied they had been. Knowing what destruction they had caused over years in my own immediate family, I stepped in and told them not to visit in her vulnerable state. They ignored me. I called after speaking to the police and told them if they stepped onto her property again, they would be charged with harassment. While we lived close by - 2 minutes by car - for a time she came to live with us. They will latch on and I’ve noticed they will always visit relentlessly after a death in a family. It’s as if they scan the ‘death notices’ in the local newspaper.
‘For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life. Therefore I say to the Israelites, "None of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood." Leviticus 17.
Those that worship satan serve a counterfeit god. When Jesus died on the cross, He shed His blood so we didn’t have to keep offering up blood sacrifices for their sins. Jesus was that perfect sacrifice for ALL. While Jesus hung between heaven and hell on the cross, when he died, the curtain in the temple was ripped from top to bottom. That meant that gentiles had access to God. The Israelites were under the LAW but when Jesus replaced those blood sacrifices, it opened the way for us sinners (Jew and Gentile) to have direct access to God thru belief in what Jesus did. John 3:16. We are now under GRACE. No more need for blood sacrifice.
Satanists and those that hate Jesus Christ and mock Him, have replaced Jesus with themselves. They have been duped into thinking they too can be gods. It’s a lie of satan. Their rituals give them life, but they have to keep repeating it over and over. They are never satisfied. Blood is an obsession. They think by drinking blood, they will become a god. There is no peace, only servitude and this is why they hate Christians and want to destroy them. Today they replace God with worshiping creation, or any numbers of objects that they deem worthy. It’s a terrible pointless life that gives no peace. They are filled with hate and jealousy and lash out at the one true God that gave them life and of course those that have recognised His sacrifice on the cross.
this is the scriptural premise JWs use for refusing blood transfusions - Leviticus 17
I’ve watched the terrible destruction of families at the hands of this cult for decades. While Leviticus 17 is used often to justify not accepting blood transfusions, other scriptures they twist like 144,000 etc. and John 1:1 where they reduce Jesus down to one of many gods, not on pare with Almighty God. While they profess love they rarely walk that love. The Bible teaches “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Matthew 7:16. I’ve witnessed as my wicked BIL was party to kicking my beautiful SIL out of the JWs when ready to give birth saying she had an affair. Her last baby looked more like him than their other two. He had multiple affairs, but because he was a male, that didn’t matter. I’ve seen my Sisters husbands brother threaten his parents that if they didn’t join, they would never see their grandchildren again. And after my Father died, my Mother was receiving JWs pamphlets and when I asked were they visiting, she replied they had been. Knowing what destruction they had caused over years in my own immediate family, I stepped in and told them not to visit in her vulnerable state. They ignored me. I called after speaking to the police and told them if they stepped onto her property again, they would be charged with harassment. While we lived close by - 2 minutes by car - for a time she came to live with us. They will latch on and I’ve noticed they will always visit relentlessly after a death in a family. It’s as if they scan the ‘death notices’ in the local newspaper.
Omg, coming out and getting ahead of the story. Trying to normalize. How SICK
"For ritual purposes."
Any normal human being: "Explain what you mean by ritual purposes."
Reporters: "Right, for ritual purposes. Good interview. Thanks."
I don’t even think most of us even wanted to be blood brothers and scratch our scabs off to rub them together
celebrities are confirmed vampires
Well she does let her sons wear girls clothes so Im not shocked.