My Mom, who can be nuttier than squirrel poop, used to tell me 10 years ago that Obama is the antichrist. She kept stating that one day she would be proven right.
Nero was the antichrist. Christ fulfilled Matthew 20ff and these events occurred during the lifetimes of his living disciples. Christ destroyed the Temple in AD 70 and the horrors surrounding that are well documented in Josephus'works. Dispensationalism and the pretrib rapture are not historic Christianity. For a few sources to research more, try End Times Madness by Gary DeMar, or Doug Wilson's book When the Man Comes Around. Also listen to James White from Apologia church in AZ.
That being said, Satan/lucifer always follows the same basic plan and there will be countless antichrists, many attempts to deceive all humanity, etc so many of today's events mirror what has already been accomplished, and ultimately Christ does win and establish an eternal kingdom without sin and death
Who says "historic Christianity" is right? And what is "historic Christianity." All we have is the Bible to inform us. According to "historic Christianity" Christians are all going to heaven. But the Bible doesn't end with Christians going to heaven. It ends with New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God (Rev. 20:2). And the city is prepared as a bride. Who is the groom? Rev. 19:7 ID's the groom as the Lamb. So, who is the bride? This mystery is great, but I speak in regard to Christ and the church (Eph. 5:27,32).
My Mom, who can be nuttier than squirrel poop, used to tell me 10 years ago that Obama is the antichrist. She kept stating that one day she would be proven right.
Nero was the antichrist. Christ fulfilled Matthew 20ff and these events occurred during the lifetimes of his living disciples. Christ destroyed the Temple in AD 70 and the horrors surrounding that are well documented in Josephus'works. Dispensationalism and the pretrib rapture are not historic Christianity. For a few sources to research more, try End Times Madness by Gary DeMar, or Doug Wilson's book When the Man Comes Around. Also listen to James White from Apologia church in AZ. That being said, Satan/lucifer always follows the same basic plan and there will be countless antichrists, many attempts to deceive all humanity, etc so many of today's events mirror what has already been accomplished, and ultimately Christ does win and establish an eternal kingdom without sin and death
Who says "historic Christianity" is right? And what is "historic Christianity." All we have is the Bible to inform us. According to "historic Christianity" Christians are all going to heaven. But the Bible doesn't end with Christians going to heaven. It ends with New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God (Rev. 20:2). And the city is prepared as a bride. Who is the groom? Rev. 19:7 ID's the groom as the Lamb. So, who is the bride? This mystery is great, but I speak in regard to Christ and the church (Eph. 5:27,32).
This right here.