Anons this right here is a very important video *** to listen to.**** No need to “watch” except putting it on and “listen” while you do your other things for 20 plus minutes of this 50min total video.
Okay for only his 2nd time ever in a video, Juan O’Savin for 20plus minutes carefully and clearly ties up the current political and Great Awakening knots so any Anon or Sheeple could understand! So you can skip to 2:40 to 26:50 in order to gain the just of this 50min interview. Juan avoids his typical Game Theory speech but still using very simplified String Theory to nicely tie up the loose knot of our current stage in this war.
Juan ties up The Trains, Balloons, House Investigations, the Tribunal info BS and how It Actually Works, and America’s Near Death Experience involving Russia. And from Juan’s following discussion on the rest of the video, it appears once the NATO/US/Russia Toe-to-Toe experience resolves, we in the US will be on the last step to judicial prosecutions, imprisonments, and yes executions.
Juan also goes into more detail on the “accidents” happening here in the US, and more detail of the Tribunals coming and the ones actually going as I type. The actual number of Tribunals is small and for “small fish” currently. Juan breaks it down fantastically during the rest of the video and the Cabal vs. White Hat back and forth. He does entertain some slight speculation out of David Nino, but really keeps things very focused in this video. This video is kinda like Juan slowly pulling off the Game Theory vail finally, for the Shills and Sheeple.
But To Be Clear, the War is not over! We then MUST turn to help free the world because, Where We Go One We Go All. Together!
Not to mention these posts are clearly against the sidebar posted site rules:
What rule is being violated? There is no “self promotion” or “merchandise” being promoted so far. Rules haven’t been broken yet. Maybe I should check with the Mods. Hmmmm oh shit! Look at my name tag!! How did that happen?! Kek Kek.
Yeah about that...
Don't buy the momma mexi cookbook, that's not for sale.
Don't buy Con O Suave's book nor film. That's not for sale.
Don't buy tickets for speaking events. That's not for sale.
Don't pay subscription fees for premium content and social interactions. That's not for sale.
Don't worry about your clicks & views, they totally aren't collecting off that either.
As far as self promotion, that may be accurate. But how far removed should someone be from the spotlight so they won't cast a shadow? We've literally seen Neon Revolt infiltrate anon boards as a mod... why wouldn't subsequent paytriot faggots build upon and tactfully execute the same tactics? Learn. Adapt. Profit.
Be careful who you follow. Regarding JOS personally, it should be abundantly fucking clear that by his track record, online history, and who hosts this clown, that he is a complete charlatan.
I just pray for all the anons he's mesmerized. Money. Time. Attention. Focus. These are all aspects that his grifting affects their lives. Perhaps they as supposed to experience his illusions in order to fulfil whatever fateful track the Lord has set upon us all individually.
Oh, I see you're pulling out your mod badge here.
Does that mean my posts here are going to start getting deleted?
Should I be anticipating a 3 day ban?
Nope. Wasn’t for you. It was only for fun with the other poster. You’re safe as is everyone else. I don’t ever ban for asking questions and trying to teach those not getting something. That’s just wrong. It’s school time my Padawan.
Good to know. It's all good.
Rules for the, but not rules for...