Holodomor 2.0 soon (Commies don't have any new ideas.)
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I have a very outlandish theory about Holodomor.
First, whats Holodomor? It was a man made famine, orchestrated by Stalin, using communist principles of state planned economy, to starve and kill millions of Ukrainians between 1932 and 1933.
But even before his Holodmor started, there were a few pertinent events that happened.
Red Terror - this is where Bolsheviks, after the revolution, started genociding White Christians in the newly formed Soviet union, and specifically Russia. The horrors of this has been described in works of Solzenitsky. It was probably more brutal than the Holodomor and lasted longer. It was masterminded by Leon Trotsky, who was a Ukrainian (This point becomes important)
Ukrainization of Soviet Union - This started right from the revolution and continued even after Stalin took power, and was officially ended by Stalin after the Holodomor
Stalin was born in Georgia (at that time part of the Russian Empire) and one of the few leaders who were not Ukrainian.
Stalin conducted the famous Great Purge between 1936-1938, where he got rid of almost all major figures in the communist party (Old Bolsheviks) by summary executions. A lot of these old Bolsheviks were of KM descent and many from Ukraine.
Here is my crazy theory. Stalin, just like Hitler, started off as a Cabal puppet, but turned againt them. "What ??? Thats crazy", right!
Soviet Union was a Cabal operation, funded by the Bankers, carried out by the Khazarians and their friends. This is why you will see so many old Bolsheviks were "Jewish".
Ukraine and Kazakhstan were the origins of the Khazarians, and hence a lot of these folks came from or had connection to that area.
Red Terror was the Cabal's operation to genocide White Christians. There is no controversy here. I think most people here understand this point. Trotsky was the power center for the Khazarians in Soviet Union and his uncle was a rich banker who funded him with his Communist hobbies.
Ukrainization was the next phase of the Khazarians to completely crush the Russian culture (now that the empire and religion were crushed).
Stalin was not an Ukrainian, and turned against the Khazarians. The Holodomor was him weaponising the Communism against the Khazarians, in their own land - Ukraine. Yes, we hear about all the poor farmers who starved and died. But what about the rich farmers and rich Ukrainians - who were pulling the strings of these poor farmers? Seeing what happened next, its clear they were his real target.
Following Holodomor, looks like the Khazarian influence got weakened. Hence he was able to end the Ukrainization. Then he followed it up with the Great Purge - getting rid of the Khazarians from the Communist Party itself.
I believe, that by his death in 1953, he had already destroyed the Khazarian vision of Soviet Union completely, and it took the next 3 decades trying to salvage it, before they threw it away completely. BTW there is a possibility that Stalin was assassinated as his doctor turned out to be connected to British intelligence.
After his death comes Soviet leaders in quick succession, so quick that it is always a butt of the jokes in old spy novels and movies.
Kruschev (1953 - 64 - Ukrainian, tried to undo a lot of Stalin actions. Liberalization of USSR)
Breznev (1960 - 82 - Russian, tied to redo a lot of Stalinistic actions. Ended Kruschev's liberalization)
Andropov (1982 - 84 - Khazarian, gave the Cabal the Afghan war they needed so badly, short lived)
Chernenko (1984 - 85 - short lived)
Gorbachev (1985 - 91 - wound down the USSR)
Thank you very much for thinking this all through. You are right I am sure that we are missing a very big mechanism in the power struggles in the Soviet Union and your theory would account for it.
I have been wondering about the Holodomor too and why that area was chosen in particular.
Perhaps in any area where somebody tries to remove the cabal, many innocent people will die. We're in the world wide version of this.
And we are watching this happen even now... hopefully this time will be the last time.
Very interesting look at the Soviet history, and it makes perfect sense.
Several blank spots filled in, thank you for your effort.
I decided to see if anyone else had a similar theory as mine. After digging through search results in Yandex, I found this interesting theory
It seems a perfect fit.
And now the gnawing hunger to dig deeper on Lenin, Trotsky and that group.
I wonder if Hitler may have been a few years behind on what was going on in the Soviet Union before he attacked in 1941?
(Nice Yandex link also)
Oh man, I started digging deeper into Yezhov and Trotsky. You might get a kick out of this article about Yezhov. He literally purged the Khazarians for Stalin and went off the deep end. Ultimately Stalin purged him and he was killed in his own contraption.
The reason why it gave a kick to me is that its an extreme portrayal of whats happening with the sham Biden administration. White Hats have taken a page from that playbook and letting the Cabal be purged by their own people, who will at the end be tribunaled and dispatched (I believe).
As for Trotsky, his fall is just poetic. His expulsion from Soviet Union, his trial in absentia with all his buddies turn against him, and finally his assassination. Trotsky was probably the worst piece of shit, of all the POSs.
As for Lenin - there isnt too much to dig. He wasnt really full blooded Khazarian, and it looks like he was a good early pick to not make their motives too obvious. They quickly turned against him, tried to kill him and he isolated himself in Kremlin until his death.
He did one nice thing. He appointed Stalin as his deputy, so that the power control flew out of the Khazarian hands.
What would be more amazing would be early life of Stalin. How did he get so close to the top without Khazarian credentials?
Stalin and Hitler's agreements were not sham I believe. What made Hitler attack Stalin? For that matter, why did Stalin attack Poland (it was ostensibly to protect Ukranians trapped there. Clearly some Trotskyist's hands were behind this)
Yeah I'm laughing now, remembering the video I saw of Stalin perp-walking Trotsky out of the Soviet Union, and Trotsky ranting and raving. A big show.
i gotta find this!
It showed Trotsky surrounded by about a dozen officials escorting him along the railroad tracks into a train car.
It was on one of the TV stations that we picked up with the TV antenna and was in a 4 part special about the Soviet Union.
Now we have cable and I CRS, except it was a conservative station. I'd like to see it again so I'm going to keep checking.
Yeah I just found out that Stalin exiled Trotsky twice. First to Siberia in 1928. Then exiled him from the Soviet Union in 1929.
Perhaps the reason Hitler attacking the Soviet Union;
Because the Russian organizational skills were either killed during the Red-white war, or purged right after. See what Happened in Vladiwostock. There was a peoples republic based on the Constitution and the US even send the military there.
Sounds about right. Well done, BB.
The only one that survived Stalins purges was Alexandra Kollontai who was his mistress. She did the same as Kameltoe, slept her way to power and ranted on about womens issues.
Think Kameltoe crossed with Jane Fonda and HRC.