I stumbled onto Q in January, 2018 because I kept seeing references to Q in the Conservative Treehouse comments section. Can't even remember how I found CTH. One of the first big "proofs" for me in real time was the John Perry Barlow thing. I didn't know who he was on January 27 when Q posted his name in the "NOBODY is safe" post 628, so I looked him up. A couple of weeks later he was dead. At the time I thought "Maybe this Q person knew he was sick." But I also thought picking someone like Barlow as relevant to the deep state issues being discussed would require a pretty wild imagination. There was something about his random relevance and the fact that truth is stranger than fiction that grabbed me.
Fast forward and I am older and maybe just a wee bit wiser. My entire world view has been flipped upside down. I have spent a significant percentage of my adult life reading and researching and listening to podcasts, and the only thing I know for sure is that I don't know the half of it. Carry On Digital Soldiers! Just wanted to share. When did you find Q?
It was years later when I found this board after Voat shut down. The early years were lonely. I kept listening to various Q commentators and sorting through who was good and who wasn't and figuring things out for myself mostly. I am so glad I found this site!!
bruh im a voat veteran my self i remember the years... ugh miss that site
I miss Voat. It was where the cool kids hung out. Not everyone made the transition to here.
But I remember when there was an exodus over to Voat from r/GreatAwakening.
The shutdown of r/ga was like a krystalnacht situation. They burned us to the ground. That generated the great Q patriot diaspora, and only a small remnant actually made it over to voat. Then, a smaller remnant over to GAW. But here, we are growing.
I wonder how many of the diaspora really know about GAW. I think we're actually a pretty small number, compared with how big a wide the Great Awakening has grown, on multiple platforms.
r/ga and the CBTS subreddit were a lifeline. You are so right. I remember feeling totally lost. IIRC CBTS was first, then r/ga, then Voat?
Yes, that's the correct sequence.
I was there, too, for it all! I remember when r/T_D was less than 10K. The r/ga days were golden times… then we all went to Voat, then telegram, then here. I like going to conspiracy.win as well, and still go to 8kun Qresearch & /pol/.
I miss the early r/ga days.