The 141-7 vote with 32 abstentions, which included China, was slightly below the highest vote for the five previous resolutions approved by the 193-member world body since Russia sent troops and tanks across the border into its smaller neighbour.
By voting in favour of today’s UNGA resolution 141 UN member states made it clear that Russia must end its illegal aggression. Ukraine’s territorial integrity must be restored. One year after Russia launched its full-scale invasion global support for Ukraine remains strong.
Interesting Q Post #608 indicating that MI-6 (and predecessor organizations, who have been behind most "world conflicts") have been either flipped or compromised by white hats:
QUESTION TO Q: MI6 PLAYED BALL; they did the spying for us on us citizens at our direction as they always do; They ratted out their deep state masters?
It may turn out that Pinky personified is literally the “fake” Joe Biden continuously hosing up the globalist plans at every opportunity with the exact wrong action or no action while appearing publicly to be their “puppet”...hehe
Spot on. This cartoon was in the 1995-1999 “soft disclosure” timeframe, and it appeared to actually disclose some interesting and nefarious stuff.
They got right into it in episode 1, season 1 which is about mind altering extract from a toad used to mind-control people, a rogue military intelligence officer, and the Titanic (special crab meat there that makes the plan work-silly plot, but needed for intelligence officer “sub hunting” action).
Rewatching them all now hunting for disclosure nuggets.
UN will likely be weaponized against globalists at some point to force human rights and natural rights to be codified in Constitutions other than US (my opinion). Reference the Eleanor Roosevelt Universal Declaration of Human Rights still on the books, but largely ignored.
It appears that good guys and globalists have been fighting over control of UN since its inception. UN is very likely biggest human trafficker, and it appears to be coordinating directly with Mexican drug cartels right now.
I agree they are all likely fake. But I still don’t understand how exactly they “fake it”. Do they just use massive conventional bombs and throw in some radioactive elements to distribute the “radiation” so all “nukes” are basically “dirty bombs”?
That's what I believe is happening. If you look at the two times the USA nuked Japan, they first firebombed both cities. Buildings in Japan used to be made of wood and paper. That's what caused the devastation.
They probably don't even need to actually use a real warhead. Use the mainstream media to all simultaneously report one took place and then use pre taped fake footage like the stuff used during c19. Viola ff
The war knows a kinetic part in Ukraine, but the world war is against sovereign, independent freedom-loving people and the values that is based upon: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
This is the reason why western democracies under the guise of the UN "human rights" came into being, like a cheap Chinese knock-off.
And that is the reason for the 16 year plan to destroy America. And the current progression in purposeful and knowing mismanagement.
The Buffalo shooting happened in the NY Gov’s hometown, near the underground railroad, a Bill Gates hospital, another hospital on whose board the Gov’s husband sits, and the Gov’s family company CTG.
The shooter spoke with a fed re Ukraine; the NY Gov’s husband is a former fed and Ukranian. The photo of the boy’s mother looks exactly like that of the father photo-shopped over. The photo of ‘the shooter’ looks like it is actually that of a well-known Ukranian, but taken when he was a boy. The family’s background was supplied by the state government where both parents happen to work.
After the shooting one Republican voted for gun control – Buffalo’s Jacobs, whose family owns the company where the Gov’s husband works.
Updated at 20.49 GMT 2-23-23; "UN votes to demand Russian troop withdrawal but China abstains":
Interesting Q Post #608 indicating that MI-6 (and predecessor organizations, who have been behind most "world conflicts") have been either flipped or compromised by white hats:
QUESTION TO Q: MI6 PLAYED BALL; they did the spying for us on us citizens at our direction as they always do; They ratted out their deep state masters?
Jan 25, 2018 12:44:04 PM EST;
Fun fact about Pinky and the Brain:
Pinky is the genius. Brain is insane. Pinky playing dumb gives him the deniability he needs to constantly thwart Brain’s attempts at world domination.
Look at how the lyrics line up linguistically:
Pinky and the Brain Pinky and the Brain One is a genus (Pinky), the other’s insane (Brain even rhymes with inane)
Honestly took me like twenty five years to finally pick up on that 😂
It may turn out that Pinky personified is literally the “fake” Joe Biden continuously hosing up the globalist plans at every opportunity with the exact wrong action or no action while appearing publicly to be their “puppet”...hehe
Spot on. This cartoon was in the 1995-1999 “soft disclosure” timeframe, and it appeared to actually disclose some interesting and nefarious stuff.
They got right into it in episode 1, season 1 which is about mind altering extract from a toad used to mind-control people, a rogue military intelligence officer, and the Titanic (special crab meat there that makes the plan work-silly plot, but needed for intelligence officer “sub hunting” action).
Rewatching them all now hunting for disclosure nuggets.
UN is corrupt
UN will likely be weaponized against globalists at some point to force human rights and natural rights to be codified in Constitutions other than US (my opinion). Reference the Eleanor Roosevelt Universal Declaration of Human Rights still on the books, but largely ignored.
It appears that good guys and globalists have been fighting over control of UN since its inception. UN is very likely biggest human trafficker, and it appears to be coordinating directly with Mexican drug cartels right now.
As the resident doesn't have the nuclear codes its down to another country to supply a nuke, the UK?
Probably fake nuke just with radiation spread about, and then they can lie and say it has “Russian weapon signature”.
That's how all nukes work. All nukes are fake nukes.
I agree they are all likely fake. But I still don’t understand how exactly they “fake it”. Do they just use massive conventional bombs and throw in some radioactive elements to distribute the “radiation” so all “nukes” are basically “dirty bombs”?
That's what I believe is happening. If you look at the two times the USA nuked Japan, they first firebombed both cities. Buildings in Japan used to be made of wood and paper. That's what caused the devastation.
They probably don't even need to actually use a real warhead. Use the mainstream media to all simultaneously report one took place and then use pre taped fake footage like the stuff used during c19. Viola ff
Exactly. I think you just described the near future event.
The war knows a kinetic part in Ukraine, but the world war is against sovereign, independent freedom-loving people and the values that is based upon: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
This is the reason why western democracies under the guise of the UN "human rights" came into being, like a cheap Chinese knock-off.
And that is the reason for the 16 year plan to destroy America. And the current progression in purposeful and knowing mismanagement.
^THIS. Very concise summary of the last 7 years.
The Buffalo shooting happened in the NY Gov’s hometown, near the underground railroad, a Bill Gates hospital, another hospital on whose board the Gov’s husband sits, and the Gov’s family company CTG.
The shooter spoke with a fed re Ukraine; the NY Gov’s husband is a former fed and Ukranian. The photo of the boy’s mother looks exactly like that of the father photo-shopped over. The photo of ‘the shooter’ looks like it is actually that of a well-known Ukranian, but taken when he was a boy. The family’s background was supplied by the state government where both parents happen to work.
After the shooting one Republican voted for gun control – Buffalo’s Jacobs, whose family owns the company where the Gov’s husband works.