"If you look at under the reign of Fauci for 40 plus years, where childhood chronic diseases and illnesses have gone from 6% to about 54% as we've added more and more layers of shots onto those schedules. And again, they'll say 'Correlation isn't causation.' Well, not a single childhood vaccine was ever tried in their clinical trials against placebo."
I don't think we dealing with just chemicals in the vaccines. I have often wondered if the explosion in gender issues is due to something in the vaccines. The revelation that the vaccines have genetic material in them makes me think that maybe intentional meddling with the sexual orientation of children. These people are evil to the core, and they see the rest of humanity has their guinea pigs.
Remember when AJ was going off about the gay frogs?
Atrazine study
Consider that meats that are commercially produced are from animals, especially beef, who were fed estrogen--to make them heavier. I think that animal protein is a proper form of protein BUT it's been tainted, chemicalized and hormone-laced. I used to be able to afford grass-fed beef, really free-range chicken, pastured pork and the like. If people can afford and find these protein sources.....they really are better than commercial ones.
Yeah...that is an estrogen issue...
There was an Italian study that showed that the entire genome of the male fetus whose tissues were used for the MMR was actually found in the jab. I read the study a few years ago. Very eye opening especially since they downplay the effects of aborted fetal tissue/cells in the jabs. This poor baby they used evidently jad several genetic abnormalities as well, that were linked with cancers, etc.