277 I AM BEWILDERED!! What’s going on here my frens? (nypost.com) 🏆 - WINNING - 🏆 posted 2 years ago by kentrails 2 years ago by kentrails +277 / -0 10 myths told by COVID experts — now debunked In the past few weeks, a series of analyses published by highly respected researchers have exposed a truth about public health officials during COVID. 85 comments share 85 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They were completely wrong… but that’s understandable, they destroyed livelihoods, but don’t be too hard on them.
They knew early on that respirators killed people.
After that they just sent COVID positive people home.
Then they restricted Hydroxychloroquine.
Then they restricted Ivermectin.
Then they gave them Remdesivir.
Now they are vaxing them....
Not just livelihoods. In certain cases, lives.
Got me a divorce. Still not jabbed.
And kinda killed a lot of people...but yeah, sorry about all that. We were just running with the data.
From a previous post (not mine):
Everything they told us was wrong:
How could experts be so wrong?
That is the textbook definition of wrong.
It doesn't matter why or how.
They were incorrect.