Zelensky has no idea what he just did.
Taking our tax dollars is one thing. We are already not used to getting any of it anyways.
But now he is talking about taking the lives of the American children for his war?
If there is one bear you don’t poke, it’s the American parent.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
Anyone who flew the Ukraine flag on their property-and anyone who displayed it on their social media page-
Fucking bon voyage!
I have 3 in my neck of the woods!!! And they will be told off!!! In fact I am going to print out the article and put the thing on their door step!!!
good idea
I can't believe the amount of houses around me that have a Ukrainian flag out front... who I have NEVER seen fly an American flag.
All these retards support for Ukraine is magically going to go out the window when they finally realize their support helped to drive Biden to wanting the draft.
Do you think they’ll ever realize that? Lately, the stupidity of the populace just floors me.
I go back and forth on it alot. Unfortunately as a whole, I think most of them will, but at a time where it's too late.
I hope you’re right. I had high hopes in the beginning. Everyone that I attempt to red pill, aside from my family, just goes their merry way. I was in the Grocery Outlet a couple of weeks ago. A lady was commenting about her chickens not laying. I had just remedied the same problem with my duck by changing the food. When I suggested to do that, she insisted that wasn’t the problem. The problem was the cold. She was sure that was why. I just said okay and let it go. I often wonder if what I said stuck with her or not. Did she bother to look anything up? I hope she did but I feel as though her stubborn attitude kept her from doing so. I hope I’m wrong. I see this a lot, usually concerning the vax. The vaxxed are absolutely positive the vax is NOT THE PROBLEM with their newfound health issues. Ever. They won’t even consider it. It’s like the makers baked the denial right into the shot.
I fly mine 24x7 with LIGHTS ON it at NIGHT!!!
Exactly! I think it's hilarious actually - all these people say they're in favor of Ukraine and a war...until push comes to shove... Like if you really believe in it - get the hell over there!
Nothing of value would be lost.