Covid “vaccines” found to be EIGHT TIMES deadlier than the disease itself – government data
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Eight time deadlier - SO FAR.
The injections are designed to kill slowly, over the course of several years. This party is just getting started.
(not for me - I am part of the control group and did not participate in the experiment).
Well, some were pretty instant death so we know there were many variations in terms of potency and ingredients. But...I wouldn't trust any government data any farther that I can spit...
BUT the deaths could have been a lot worse.
This has got to be the most effective red-pill of all for normies.
And they're still LYING.
They eliminated at least two zeroes after the eight.
at least...
Ppl been have been saying this since the beginning. All you had to do was read the test data where the Pharma s listed who couldn’t be a test subject. Psst it was just about everyone. Yet when many raised that point we were cancelled and shunned.
Much worse than this, considering they're using the "with" Covid statistic that includes motorcycle accident and gunshot victim deaths.
Didn't Epstein die with Covid?
Heh. This is just the beginning for those unfortunate chaps.
So they’re not that deadly considering covid wasn’t deadly at all lol
Early on , I saw some videos exposing a living or alive squid looking creature in the vax, I think it depends on how fast it can multiply in your body to make clots. I am no doctor , but no dummy either.