Hey frens! Small intro. Been here for awhile. Long time researcher educating myself and as many people as I can. I have dropped many many red pills during this time. I have lost friends and family (temporarily) because they thought i was out of my mind.
However, things are changing. My ask to the community is finding some info regarding covid. Specifically, how it spreads. I have a few family members that are still quite afraid of covid and will double, even sometimes triple mask. In my attempts to help them (the masks do not really work)....the one piece of info I am really trying to lock in on is, does covid spread through the air? Obviously, if someone coughs in your face, that is one thing. But these particular family members are of the mind set that covid, hangs around in the air, like smoke that you can breathe in. Can anyone confirm this? Point me into the direction of a research showing how covid spreads?
I really appreciate all the help. It has been a long, tiring battle. Things are getting better and every piece of information I can provide and educate family and friends on, is another step closer to waking up more of the masses.
Thank you again! CHeers
no proof covid exists
no proof viruses even exist
studies done over many years and scientists failed to get healthy person sick from all sorts of exchanges with an ill person (may have been with Spanish flu but not certain). they exchanged saliva and maybe even blood if I recall correctly and Gaetz, notta, zilch
I hear what you are saying and I know the evidence showing a link to spike proteins created internally by the body when subjected to external radiation sources such as RF, and 5G.
But millions of dollars in countless labs have been spent isolating and genetically altering the proteins codes of naturally occurring viruses in animals using crisper technology.
If you watch this 1 hour video deposition testimony, under oath, and can still claim viruses are not real, then I would ask you for your credentials and sources of proof of your statement. Beliefs are not proof, show me the sauce.
this is all about the covid virus correct? there's too much going on with covid to fathom motives. I've heard many experts state emphatically that covid has never been scientifically isolated. it was created on a computer and that's what the PCR test and others are compared to. if you have something from the past that claims to prove viruses exist and have ever been isolated I'd be interested to watch.
for the record, I hope it remains the common belief that covid is real because this will assure a harsher fate for all of the scum that foisted it on us. regardless of its authenticity, its impacts were quite real and tremendously harmful
You are correct, PCR tests were designed to look for the generic Flu, having specific protein signatures.
You are also correct that there is no genetic code for a "virus" because that is not the way it works.
What actual science has found is that what was thought of as a virus is actually a collection of proteins and amino acids incased in a cellular sleeve. Think of it as a packet of computer viruses, a computer virus might have one code in it to replicate itself on all your drives and into various files, another code to log your keystrokes, another code to disable your audio.
Each function of this code are individual programs that are combined together to impart damage to the system in various ways.
So there would not be one long code to individualize a virus but many smaller codes packaged together.
This is the equivalent to the protein packages carried in a single cell of what people in the field of expertise call a virus.
my understanding is, the PCR is not designed to look for a flu and creator said as much and that it should not be used for this
if a "virus" cannot be truly isolated and replicated via a reproducible experiment in a lab than you're gonna have a hard time convincing me it's KNOWN to "exist". are you suggesting it can be?
Again, true the PCR test was a way in which to amplify a desired test result and was being misused during the onset of the kung Flu.
That being said, the inventor of the PCR test; in every interview or on stage, that I have seen, comes off like a genius who ate too many shrooms, peyote buttons and window pains, all at once and stayed that way for 30 years.
Again, any given virus is just an amalgamation of protein peptides and amino acids, each with their own specific programming and function. Micro virologists study the individual protein peptides, find their function and extract their DNA code.
\Then using crisper technology can cut and splice a segment of the genome and reinsert it back into the cell with the other collection of programs.
Thus, you have gained a new function in a preexisting cluster of evil amino acids and protein peptides coexisting in a single cell, that those damn fools call a virus!
What makes this even more interesting is looking at the companies and people who hold patents on the genetic coding of the exact modified proteins that just so happen to be in SARS Covid 2.
A lot of 'science' talk on whether viruses are 'real'...
Q mentioned the Matrix
would a 'virus' affect Jesus?
why don't 'Big Macs'
'affect' President Trump?🤔
I've watched various seemingly knowledgeable and high-level scientists and looked into at least one supposed study regarding the attempt to infect another person so that's about it. I'm open to watching this and always own to changing opinion.
if my name checks out:
"I now know I'm intelligent because I realize I know nothing" - Socrates (or something along these lines...quote is out there in slight variations and I've used "realize" for clarity)
It is possible we are both correct. It depends on definition.
From what I have gathered from people who actually do genetic coding, look into the microscope and use crisper technology (gene splicing tech), a virus defined, is a collection of spike proteins in a cellular sleeve. One protein will be programmed to attack the Ace 2 receptor, for instance, another will be coded to reproduce itself, another will attack the kidneys, another will attack the brain, etc.
What the evidence shows is, these world depopulating madmen are re-coding these individual proteins, putting them back into the entire sleeved packages and then sending them out into the wild.
You say tomato and I say tomato and some how we argue over the semantics of how to pronounce the word or that tomatoes even exist.
I just am trying to curb the flow of out right disinformation.
Your best bet is not to try to prove what Covid is, but just prove that masks are harmful. The Cochran metastudy did that very convincingly. But they still have to read.
What Covid is, is not agreed upon by this board at all. Answers are 5G, parasite, virus, bacteria, nothing, and all of then are made worse by propaganda, which we all agree on.
An air filter must have a weave with openings small enough to stop dust, debris or... from passing through.
That same weave must have openings large enough to let air through or the engine, or person, would cease to operate.
If an air filter has openings small enough to stop a virus then it would not let any air through and it would be useless.
it spread via FEAR, it's a "Mind Virus" only. All you have to do is look at the full-court-press propaganda we were inundated with 24x7.
Germ theory is a 150-year propaganda campaign hoax. Viruses don't exist. Bacteria are not pathogenic, contagious "germs", but rather symbiotic organisms that help us restore temporarily altered tissue.
SARS Covid II generally likes to use the Ace 2 receptors in the lungs and nasal cavity as its main attachment point, which would lend credence to air born communicability.
Ironically, heavy smokers by and large do not get the lung infection but more so the nasal infection, which might imply the tar is not easily penetrated by the virus.
If you like I can point you to 20 or so valuable links on the subject. I do not know if they will answer your question but they will leave you very knowledgeable on the subject of the kung flu by the time you are done.
Let me know if I should put in the effort.
they say it is aersooized, holes in masks are mich larger than the viral particles in the air. The cochrane report proves masks are useless against viruses.
Yea, that is the specifics of what I am trying to confirm. Rumors swirl that covid will linger in the air, like smoke is what im told, for hours, allowing you to catch it that way. But i cannot seem to confirm that.
I will look for the report you mentioned
Major study was done at Oxford, if I remember correctly.
It proved the masks were fake and gay. Doctor's were completely baffled.
The problem with masks is that the size of the virus is much smaller than the size of the holes in a typical cloth mask. It is like making a mosquito net out of chain-link fencing.
What does the science say? Well, I would ignore any science papers written after the plandemic started because scientists can be economical with the truth if there is money in it. So look at the 150+ papers here. That includes around 100 concluding that masks are ineffecive and another 50 saying they actually cause issues like infections etc. We should be "following the science," shouldn't we?
Another way to look at the issue, if the masks really do trap all the viruses then how do you dispose of that mask? It will be the most toxic piece of fabric ever so you can't just put it in a bin. In fact, you will probably need to be in a hazmat suit just to take it off.
I put together this website which has 90 papers listed but when I discovered the Brownstone site, above, I just added a link to that at the end. Also, the Cochrane survey is also linked.