In central Alabama it was very clear the past 2 days, no lines at all (I keep watch daily), yesterday about 4:30pm, lines started popping up like clockwork all at the same time. Short to mid length lines, today it's cloudy as hell and storms tomorrow.
I know a small plane pilot and have talked to him about the lines, he claims con trails still, no matter how much I can discredit that theory, he's lost.
But it was a noticeable CRISP difference in the sky and clouds.
The way I’ve heard it described, even if we WANTED to stop spraying… Every other country is now engaging in weather warfare/geo eng tactics.
We would now lose a tactical higher ground and allow other super powers to literally RUN THE WEATHER….
If they all stopped all together the weather patterns would shift into madness….
You could see a gradual weening off and NOTICEABLE difference the Trump years. REAL clouds…. REAL SUMMER RAIN STORMS THAT WOULD WASH AWAY AND REFRESH THE AIR.
Heck once Biden took over you could tell they all together stopped spraying for a good week. Created this creepy sense of “NORMALCY” “EVERYTHING IS BETTER NOW THAT OUR DEEP STATE LORDS ARE IN CONTROL”
TIME ragazine ran numerous headshot front page covers of Biden in front of CRYSTAL BLUE SKIES with glowing halos around his head (christ like)
If it were so great would the powers that be go through such great lengths to hide the fact they are hiding the sun? Committing crimes against humanity and war crimes?
First noticed chem trails in 2002. Looked up and the sky was a grid. Not normal. Occasionally try to point this out to people when chem trails are obvious, but they just shrug.
Great way is to just look up. Constantly. Look at the trails, public distrust builds more and more each day. You could literally put that little nagging suspicion in hundreds a day by nervously looking up.
Laugh and say to yourself little quips do some airquotes and chuckle “water vapor” “real clouds.”
Look up and shake your head early when you can see them blatantly covering like in first pic say “oh gee there goes the blue sky! Better enjoy it while it’s here!”
I took these two pics myself on a whim, on a hatred, predicting and knowing how prevalent and widespread it is, and was able to capture this before and after within a mere 2 hours, right at sun rise when they set to work. (They went hard at night too though)
Look what a horrifying example this is, just one picture might change many minds today. Like clock work. Look at the clouds which have suddenly moved in and sweeper the sky.
Do those look natural or does it look like a heavily seeded sky?
I see this every day where I live. Currently living the after effects of the BS jets (rain and grey skies blanketing the sky)Trying to play God. It ain’t gonna happen
8am before
10am AFTER
And the day has just begun
In central Alabama it was very clear the past 2 days, no lines at all (I keep watch daily), yesterday about 4:30pm, lines started popping up like clockwork all at the same time. Short to mid length lines, today it's cloudy as hell and storms tomorrow.
I know a small plane pilot and have talked to him about the lines, he claims con trails still, no matter how much I can discredit that theory, he's lost.
Control the weather control the world
Control the sun control your God Given Time!
Every breath that goes by today is one less tomorrow….
I posted this a while back.
What the actual F is this
I’ll look more later!
They say you can invest into geoengineering. Wanna buy a cloud? lol
Yup every Thursday or Friday they start spreading God knows what in the sky for a cold poopy weekend. We are going on the 9th poopy weekend in a row.
Good point, weekends and holidays are a big hit.
I can’t say it stopped with Trump/Q
But it was a noticeable CRISP difference in the sky and clouds.
The way I’ve heard it described, even if we WANTED to stop spraying… Every other country is now engaging in weather warfare/geo eng tactics.
We would now lose a tactical higher ground and allow other super powers to literally RUN THE WEATHER….
If they all stopped all together the weather patterns would shift into madness….
You could see a gradual weening off and NOTICEABLE difference the Trump years. REAL clouds…. REAL SUMMER RAIN STORMS THAT WOULD WASH AWAY AND REFRESH THE AIR.
Heck once Biden took over you could tell they all together stopped spraying for a good week. Created this creepy sense of “NORMALCY” “EVERYTHING IS BETTER NOW THAT OUR DEEP STATE LORDS ARE IN CONTROL”
TIME ragazine ran numerous headshot front page covers of Biden in front of CRYSTAL BLUE SKIES with glowing halos around his head (christ like)
I’m convinced this is not a good thing!
The proof is right before your eyes.
If it were so great would the powers that be go through such great lengths to hide the fact they are hiding the sun? Committing crimes against humanity and war crimes?
First noticed chem trails in 2002. Looked up and the sky was a grid. Not normal. Occasionally try to point this out to people when chem trails are obvious, but they just shrug.
Great way is to just look up. Constantly. Look at the trails, public distrust builds more and more each day. You could literally put that little nagging suspicion in hundreds a day by nervously looking up.
Laugh and say to yourself little quips do some airquotes and chuckle “water vapor” “real clouds.”
Look up and shake your head early when you can see them blatantly covering like in first pic say “oh gee there goes the blue sky! Better enjoy it while it’s here!”
I took these two pics myself on a whim, on a hatred, predicting and knowing how prevalent and widespread it is, and was able to capture this before and after within a mere 2 hours, right at sun rise when they set to work. (They went hard at night too though)
Look what a horrifying example this is, just one picture might change many minds today. Like clock work. Look at the clouds which have suddenly moved in and sweeper the sky.
Do those look natural or does it look like a heavily seeded sky?
Evil geoengineers discussing the dispersal of aluminum nanoparticles from aircraft:
Aluminum nanoparticles found in snow and rain water samples from Mount Shasta:
And we wonder how heavy metals are in our food.
The Moar U Kno!
Spraying us extra bad in AZ last few days.
I see this every day where I live. Currently living the after effects of the BS jets (rain and grey skies blanketing the sky)Trying to play God. It ain’t gonna happen
These pics were on the East Coast aka “The Geo-Engineering Guinea Pigs of The World!”
Over here we just had a really odd snow storm HEAVY rain and moisture mostly, chunky wet flakes that seemingly melt off in days.
Can’t forget they’re likely trying to push around as much Toxins from Ohio throughout the land.
Maybe if they stopped spraying that shit temps would even out and we would actually get real snow storms u like the past 8 or so years of barely ANY…