247 FRANCE ERUPTS IN PROTEST (www.pbs.org) 49.3 FOREVER! posted 1 year ago by Kingslea 1 year ago by Kingslea +247 / -0 Protests erupt in France over Macron's pension change It's a time of protest in Paris and much of France, where opponents hope to bring down the government of President Emmanuel Macron. They're blocking the streets over his decision to force a pension system change through parliament without a vote. 47 comments share 47 comments share save hide report block hide replies
A friend just left Paris because he could no longer stand the stench.
Unaware of the 12 day strike by refuse collectors, I jokingly agreed that the French stink and asked why he didn't leave years ago.
KEK!!! Hilarious, username checks out...
But french Women..speaking French..nothing hotter..
Obviously there are hot women in every country but I once had a French date and she had more hair on her chest than I did. Once they go down on it, they all sound the same :)