Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Random thought: my normie looks like Janet Yellen. Who does your normie look like?
I have a ton of normies; they run the spectrum from rail thin to morbidly obese. It's impossible to pin down a "look"...
But the largest percentage look like Janet Yellen... Probably heavier.
been wondering about this too, as I've read they're like 'patterned' background people; don't have the facial 'character' of souled beings.
my 5 year FB case-study normie (stupid guy I went to HS with) looks like a midwest farmer type; tall/medium build/wears jeans, but must be some weird liberal hybrid, he has the worse case of TDS. of course he's fully vaxxed. his farmer avatar definitely doesn't fit his personality.
my family normies are similar looking farmer/blue collar, but unlike the other normie they actually work A LOT, but don't read because there is too much 'work' to be done. vicious cycle.
Unfortunately, I have many normies. For the most part, they have bangs that are cut straight across-kind of like Janet Yellen!!
I cannot remember the comedian, Oriental and very funny, with a bit about the "Moe" haircut that all Chinese seem to get. Like there's a whole big poster on the wall of the barbershop and the barber asks, do you want the Moe? or the Moe? How about the Moe? ...and winds up slapping a bowl on the customer's head, cuts all around, Done! Next!
Every time I see bangs like that on a male or female this bit runs in my head...
THAT is hilarious! Check out Joe Koy. I think that’s how you spell it. He’s Filipino.