Some odd fuckery going on in Phoenix, 3 children died within 1 hour, not being able to breathe. A 4th child from close by suburb died with similar symptoms.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
What interests me is...how does the media get this data? How do they know the number of deaths and the close proximity of time? If these are all different hospitals, using different EM workers/vehicles......who is gathering this information? And if you copy/paste the title, it'll come up in different publications. So this was a deliberate news release. But, by whom? When? (I think I know the 'why')
I just find things like this very questionable. Not that 4 children can't die within a day of one another but HOW does that information become public?
Question everything.
Would it be from the EMS staff gossip? I imaging the tragedy of child deaths gets talked about amongst them and multiple instances in a region would really get the chatter going. I'm sure one of them would probably tip off the news media with the desire that they would investigate.
3 Phoenix + 1 Chandler... I've never been in this area, but somebody might want to check the reported locations on a map if we think there's comms.
One of the deaths in Phoenix is actually in Tempe. (Broadway and Price). Depending exactly where the apts are, it could be Mesa, but not Chandler. Chandler starts a few miles south of Broadway. Two deaths in Phoenix, one in Chandler and one in Tempe/Mesa.
More likely Fentanyl poisoning.
The obvious first. Just VAXXXT?
That, or, my first thought was Ohio cloud things.
I'm sure the rubber squeegees growing in their veins and arteries from the jab had nothing to do with it.
It's allergies and asthma. We all know how bad arizona is for those.
Since just about every plant in the world grows here, yes, there is every kind of pollen and lots of allergies. Grass and powdery mildew are high right now. That rarely causes death, though. Likewise, it could be vaccine related but vaccine mania seems mostly over and these are not the most affluent neighborhoods. The fentanyl theory is very plausible if there was a common dope dealer or party. What's against it is that these were spread out over a large area. Chandler is 20 miles from the closest of the first two Phoenix addresses, which are 11 miles apart in the middle of the city. The last, on Price Road and Broadway, is closer to Chandler but still several miles. Seems not at all odd that they would go to different hospitals, or that the media would have someone monitoring police calls. The morning news needs some grist.
Well, to paraphrase from the Erin Brockovich movie:
Take a handful of pennies, and throw them into the air and let them land on the ground. Some will come up heads and some will come up tails. Just because some of ones that came up tails are grouped up next to each other doesn't mean anything.
Even statistically improbable events aren't impossible. I think 'Q' should be sufficient proof of that. Sometimes a cigar really is just a cigar.
And as Kipling said:
I wonder what Rudyard would have scribed about all things transgender?
In an urban area of several miIlion, several children die daily. Sad, but sadder that so many people look at every event as indication of some sinister plot.