Exactly this is the question. What normal activities are prohibited based on sexuality? Just stop with all the separate rights. Human rights. Full stop.
In the 1980s, transsexualism was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization.
These are very sick people and anyone seeing a threat like this needs to act immediately to get them off the street and locked-up..
What is it that they aren't allowed to do?
Mutilate and groom kids
Exactly this is the question. What normal activities are prohibited based on sexuality? Just stop with all the separate rights. Human rights. Full stop.
they want to goom and mutilate and chemically castrate children. That's the rights they want.
Seems to be tranny outrage about all the states banning the above.
they've never had more rights than they have now this isn't anything to do with rights everything to do with mk ultra
What is wrong with that person's eyes? The left eye seems injured or collapsing and both eyes have very droopy upper lids for a young person.
The drooping eyelid is likely from a vaccine injury. Look around, it's very common.
The Pendulum swing on this issue is going to be spectacular
Because the feds give them to them
If you look closely you can see where the strings attach. This puppet looks like shit.
In the 1980s, transsexualism was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization.
These are very sick people and anyone seeing a threat like this needs to act immediately to get them off the street and locked-up..
Strange that the MSM totally missed this photo! I'm sure if they had it, this would be shown on every station when they talk about this, right??
definitely some type of antisocial behavior ingrained in these people.
Huh. How about this:
American citizens' civil rights and Bill of Rights....or else
Is this the shooter ,, it looks like her but not sure !
Check out the ankles as well. This person is not healthy.