Has to be a short list.
Phil Knight’s net worth is roughly $33.4 billion dollars.
Michael Dell’s net worth is roughly $34.3 billion dollar
Sheldon Adelson’s net worth is estimated at $35.1 billion
Steve Ballmer’s net worth is estimated at $41.2 billion
Some of the Waltons would fit the bill, after that you are into Kochs, Bloomberg, Ellison etc and they have 50+
Has to be a short list. Phil Knight’s net worth is roughly $33.4 billion dollars. Michael Dell’s net worth is roughly $34.3 billion dollar Sheldon Adelson’s net worth is estimated at $35.1 billion Steve Ballmer’s net worth is estimated at $41.2 billion Some of the Waltons would fit the bill, after that you are into Kochs, Bloomberg, Ellison etc and they have 50+
I think it is either Sheldon Adelson or George Soros.
Definitely not Michael Dell. He's been seen locally in Texas.