Let's see, if I remember correctly there is a slush fund for our elected officials to pay off sexual assault and harrassment victims with Taxpayer's money. In order to collect these funds, the victims must sign an NDA. Golly, this sounds awfully similar. I guess the argument is that Trump didn't use taxpayer funds, but if they can prove he paid and if they can prove that he used his own election funds to do it with, perhaps that is the grounds for some sense of wrongdoing? It certainly seems awfully convoluted to me.
They're fishing with everything they have for ANYTHING to send him to jail over, and this is the best they can do because a low-rent porn 'star' said she got screwed by him and got paid for her trouble.
Either way, the dissent that it is causing, even in the DA office is revealing the corruption better than video evidence or any other evidence we could ever present. The red pills are dropping like rain these days.
Its worse than that, they are claiming that the payoff, regardless of where it comes from constitutes an illegal campaign donation because the NDA it purchased may have helped him win.
Yeah, the ridiculousness of these charges are beyond belief. All the illegal behavior of virtually all elected officials and this is the best that they have. It os just plain pathetic.
It's crazy. My understanding is this, the payment was to ensure silence, the silence itself was a campaign contribution, because it took place during the 2016 campaign, that supposed campaign contribution (again, silence, not money) was not declared in Trump's official campaign contribution paperwork. So, Trump's lawyer paid OUT money which resulted in an unreported contribution to the campaign, thus illegal. It's all BS.
Paying someone to shut up is illegal?
Let's see, if I remember correctly there is a slush fund for our elected officials to pay off sexual assault and harrassment victims with Taxpayer's money. In order to collect these funds, the victims must sign an NDA. Golly, this sounds awfully similar. I guess the argument is that Trump didn't use taxpayer funds, but if they can prove he paid and if they can prove that he used his own election funds to do it with, perhaps that is the grounds for some sense of wrongdoing? It certainly seems awfully convoluted to me.
Let's round em all up and get rid of the fund!
I'm thinking that they will be getting their due soon. The precedent has been set for a false crime, this lines up the truly guilty for prosecution.
They're fishing with everything they have for ANYTHING to send him to jail over, and this is the best they can do because a low-rent porn 'star' said she got screwed by him and got paid for her trouble.
Either way, the dissent that it is causing, even in the DA office is revealing the corruption better than video evidence or any other evidence we could ever present. The red pills are dropping like rain these days.
Its worse than that, they are claiming that the payoff, regardless of where it comes from constitutes an illegal campaign donation because the NDA it purchased may have helped him win.
Yeah, the ridiculousness of these charges are beyond belief. All the illegal behavior of virtually all elected officials and this is the best that they have. It os just plain pathetic.
It's crazy. My understanding is this, the payment was to ensure silence, the silence itself was a campaign contribution, because it took place during the 2016 campaign, that supposed campaign contribution (again, silence, not money) was not declared in Trump's official campaign contribution paperwork. So, Trump's lawyer paid OUT money which resulted in an unreported contribution to the campaign, thus illegal. It's all BS.