I like the future proves past stuff. The 1776 (Queen thing) and 1984 (Trump's supposed arrest next Tuesday) have my attention, too.
I know we are watching a movie.
What are some plausible scripts? (I am not asking for dates).
Mine is this: Trump is arrested. The Awakening accelerates. There are riots because the opportunity is ripe. Nat Guard is activated in many states. Somehow we get to Martial Law. Indictments unsealed. Perps rounded up. The real trials begin.
Basic premise is this: arresting Trump is the equivalent of throwing the first punch (everything else has been posturing). Now the gloves come off and the stage is truly set because everyone will be watching, and under Martial Law even the MSM will be taken over so the people can see and hear the truth.
This happens over the course of a few months. Economy tanks. Market tanks. Banking system breaks. Life gets scary, but it's all blamed on the FJB regime.
And then we rebuild after peace, truth and patriotism are restored.
The end.
I have zero idea of what the plan may be. Zero, zip.
I admire the fact that you've put yourself out there and plainly said what you believe will happen. This is something that just rarely happens around here.
I often feel like I'm the only person out here who is just bewildered by everything going on, and everyone else seems to know something I don't.
You keep seeing people say to "Trust the Plan", but when you say "ok, what's the plan?", they get downright hostile and start ranting that you need to spend thousands of hours decoding Q drops like they did to know what the plan is. That if only you read the Q drops, the plan will be crystal clear to you.
Which seems unlikely considering that there is always infighting here on basic stuff, like if Trump is secretly still the President or not.
What gets me are the people who are just so confident in thinking that they know exactly what is going on, and what will happen in the future and aren't shy in the least in telling everyone else that they're idiots for not knowing or not agreeing with them. Yet these same people a couple of years ago would have sworn on the Bible that they believed Trump would be in office right now.
I have yet to see anyone show they knew that the plan was for the dems to steal the election and for Biden to be in the WH now before it happened. Everyone has perfect 20/20 vision in hindsight with all the "It Had To Be This Way Because..." explanations.
I think if everyone was wrong about such a basic, significant part of the plan, people need to back off on all the shit talking to people who don't agree with them and those who are looking for anything that might guide them.
Such a great explanation of a frustration that many of us feel! Thanks for writing all of that.
I certainly don't know anything... what I wrote is just my hope. And I've gotten to the point where there is so much that I don't know that the best thing I can do is just put something out there to stir up some discussion and usually there are several nuggets that appear in the comments.
It's like panning for gold on this board. There are Anons ways smarter than me, and I value their insights. And when I learn from them, it helps me red pill others.
True, but also don't forget that a giant imagination and ODD doesn't always equate to "way smarter" than you. I've noticed the two things get confused often.
Very true!!
But I have to say... there are some really great comments in this thread--not necessarily having to do with what I asked, either.
This community never fails to generate great content.
This is a board for people who follow the Q drops to discuss and research theories and proofs.
The purpose of the Q drops were to reveal to readers that there is an evil DS that has been robbing, killing, torturing, cannibalizing, and manipulating humanity for centuries but there is also a team with a plan to take down the DS with Trump as the public face of that team.
The drops are to promote questioning and research to understand and interpret communication techniques, past and current events, possibly prepare for future events that remain unknown, and know that the WH are in control.
There are around 5000 Q drops and they are cryptically written, so there is no quick or easy explanation of their content.
They do not contain any detailed information on future events, because Q knew the DS was reading them as well and did not want to broadcast their plan.
No one knows the plan outside of the Q team, and the actual moves may change depending on the DS countermoves.
There are a lot of educated guesses and theories about future events, but that's all they are.
The entire operation is designed to get people to think and research for themselves and to look beyond what is reported.
The only way to understand the plan and have any idea of what is going on is to read the Q posts and research their meanings, because there is no shortcut to learning 5 years of information drops and discussions.
Since Q has not posted for a while now, the focus is on recognizing date deltas for drops or detecting clues in communications like misspelled words or time stamps.
I think the posts and anon discussions are still at 8Kun, but there are also aggregator sites like https://qalerts.app/ that have the posts themselves.
There are also websites, blogs, Twitter accounts, etc. that analyze and discuss the meanings of the drops as well, but keep in mind that these are just people's interpretations that may or may not be correct.
No you’re not the only one I can promise you that, fren. I have people coming to me asking me what’s really happening, what’s next etc (because I made them aware of Q a few years after the op began and they think since I was there at the start, I must know some shit) and I’m like “yo dawg your guess is as good as mine at this point”. If “the plan” has taught me anything it’s that I don’t know shit and I was foolish to ever think I did.
Same here. I have friends who want me to tell them what I think is going to happen next. They own a small business and are working their butts off with employees who don’t care/don’t show up for work… I’m an optimist in all of this. I have faith that we will be okay in the end. It just may really suck for all of us for a while. And that’s what I say. Then I give examples of recent events that are helping us to get to the finale. Trump’s indictment/arrest sets precedent. There have been multiple precedents this year!
I also point out that this is an 8 year plan and we are in year 6.
Tell them to pay their employees better and do not use coercive tactics.
I'm positive they can't be guilty of those things, but it's a welcome reminder to anyone that's already honest. So it won't be taken badly. Trust me. I'm a small business owner and found that people show up and work they're ass off when they feel a sense of ownership in the wellness of the venture at hand. I showed appreciation with $ instead of bullshitting them.
It's refreshing as hell to see others be able to admit they're not sure, either.
It's like people think it's some huge character flaw to not be 100% sure you're right about everything all the time.
All we can do is gather the best information we can and form an opinion/ theory. Granted some are extreme and some not so much but at the end of the day nobody truly knows exactly what happens until it does.
This is why a strongman dictator makes some people feel safer. They just want a simple answer that feels good and they'll march. Its our job to be smarter than those that made this mistake in the past.
Not surprisingly, 100% agree.
I got banned a week or so ago for questioning the logistical operation of the plan. I was asking how can such a small amount of military personal convince the other military members to make sure the plan is carried out, especially considering the high level of corruption within our military already. I emphasized the type of military tactics it would take to overthrow these people would be done by the special operations command but then how would the rest of the military react while this is going on.
It was a genuine question as I was wondering what the plan was as well because it seems that nothing is going our way and we are losing at every turn but everything is apparently for "optics."
Instead of anyone answering the question, I got people mad at me for misquoting a Qpost which to me ended up being huge mandela affect because I've seen "the first arrest will shock the world" posted, including stickied, time and time again and I've never seen a correction on it but that isn't actually the Q post. But instead of answering the bulk of the post, they got mad at me for misquoting that one quote, ignored the rest of the post, and banned me.
Honestly, I'll probably get banned for dooming and questioning with this comment here.
Yeah, seems familiar. I just got off a ban for asking someone what they thought the plan was, and then having a conversation about it. Apparently I was supposed to just drop the entire conversation after someone said "read the Q drops!".
I'm surprised I've gotten this far in this conversation. 🤷♀️
And that whole "the first arrest will shock the world" thing is annoying. It has been repeated here ad nauseum, and has indeed lodged itself in many people's minds because of that. I don't blame the people who are confused by it. I blame whatever Q paytriot it was that originally mangled the quote and whatever Anon came running here, posting it over and over again.
I think it's an excellent example of why falsehoods need to be called out promptly, from the start, so they don't start taking on a life of their own and just makes everything so much more confusing.
But people who get all nit picky about facts here aren't very well received, sometimes. Accusations of being a shill like to be tossed about for those who think fact checking is important. Go figure.
Also, good point on the number of military personnel needed for such a large scale operation.
It is kind of crazy how we aren't allowed to question anything. I'm not even trying to be a shill or anything. I'm just trying to play devils advocate the majority of the time. If we are supposed to be critical thinkers, why are we not able to listen to any opposing possibilities? Why are we so afraid to actually have a debate?
I have read a lot of the Q posts, I've been a member of the original "TheDonald" since 2016 on Reddit. I've been a member here since it started. But the inability to question things and how quickly they break out the ban hammer here for doing so puts off such a shitty and unwelcoming vibe. And when don't get banned, there is no dialogue that takes place other then shit talking about the reading the q posts and learn what you are talking about.
Honestly, it makes us seem like a bunch of leftists here with how we react to any thought that questions us.
Yeah, that's pretty much my take on it, too.
How often are we told to "question everything!"? But obviously that doesn't apply here?
And it's sad to see how few people are able to hold a civil conversation with differing viewpoints. People get downright hateful just because someone doesn't agree with everything they say.
The more that I ponder it, the more I think all the "read the Q drops!" and refusal to have a deep conversation about The Plan is to protect against criticism.
It's easier to give the impression of a unified front if people aren't willing to put their ideas out there. If everyone is constantly told they will understand The Plan if they just read the Q drops gives the impression that many here are on the same page as to what The Plan is.
Because if people just said they didn't really know the details of the Plan, then it just makes it look really weird to constantly be told to Trust The Plan.
Just imagine the conversation.
"Trust the Plan!" "OK, What's the plan?" "I'm not really sure, but it's important to trust it!"
I can just imagine what the comments would be if the dems did something similar.
But, whatever. I'm sure that such blasphemy is going to earn me another time out.
So, it's been a nice chat with most of you. Just remember critical thinking isn't a personality flaw and echo chambers are dangerous.
Goes on Q board, complains that people recommend reading Q's drops.
Fuck else you want?
"Trust" == I don't know. If I DID know, I'd say "Remember the plan".
" Trust the plan" == Trust or have confidence in the Planner(d) who created and are implementing that plan.
Obviously, other people are helping who are not privacy to "the plan" for reasons that Q spelled out in more than one drop. Each of us is called upon to be one of those people.
For what its worth, Q posted a link around "trust the plan" which to me answered the question ,"Whose plan" ultimately Q is referring to. Q's link was to a bible verse about trusting Gods plans for us; plans meant to help us. not harm us.
Since we are in a very real world wide war, obviously Q/Q+ have created an over all war plan that took years to develop. However, throughout history, the success or failure of a plan depends not only on the planner(s) but on the far more numerous people who implement those plans without being privvy to the plan; people who choose to "trust the plan" because they have confidence in the planners, believe in their cause; are precipice desperate and/or "trust the plan" God has for them.
Obviously, those who do have trust/confidence are able to totally do their best without being distracted by frets and fears; feelings the bible constantly warns against and which CIA psyops/demons seek to trigger and exploit.
Finally, imo, one purpose for Qs introduction of the meme slogan "trust he plan" was to counter the prevalent psyop narrative that President Trump had no plan. Instead , the 24/7 psyops insisted that President Trump was beleagured, impulsive, cornered and reactive, chaotic and in way over his head. "The walls are closing in" "Trumps enraged and lashingng out" "Trumps finished". Remember?
Then Q appeared saying that on the contrary, there is definitely a plan. Its working. What youre being told and what youre being shown is not an accurate depiction of reality. Here's evidence you can track and vet. Learn how to seek, see, find and interpret what's found. Remember the evidence you found when your heart and mind are under a psyop/demonic attack.
Learn to put on and maintain The Whole Armor of God.
Trust the plan.
I do. 😘
This is such a well written, well thought out post. Thank you so much for taking the time to make such a high quality post.
I knew that there was a solid background of Biblical knowledge that has consistently been used throughout the Q drops. But I hadn't noticed the particular one where "Trust the Plan" was based upon a similar verse in the Bible. I'm definitely going to follow up on that.
I'm hesitant to put as much faith in a construct of man as I do the Bible. But it certainly helps explain why so many people are comfortable trusting something they don't/can't fully understand.
This is exactly the type of response I hope for when I make these sorts of posts.
To point out something solid and informative that I've obviously missed. And while I have read the Q drops, there are quite a few (over 5,000 I believe) and I have trouble understanding many (the vast majority, if I'm being honest) of them due to how cryptic they tend to be. I am a pretty concrete type thinker and lack the imagination that is needed to draw from multiple sources to piece everything together.
I wish this was more the norm of how people respond to questions rather than "Go read the Q drops, shill!!!".
In the course of one post, I've gained more insight into what is going on than I have in months of holding similar conversations.
So thank you, sincerely, for your response. It truly does help. Not only for helping me understand the origin of "Trust the plan" but for showing there are those who can hold civil conversations about the topic.