St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the Divine power of God, cast into hell Satan and all other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
St. Michael, place your Shield of Truth over the heart of this nation. By the power of God, design circumstances which will reveal the evil in every heart. Make our nation secure once again through sound leadership and justified enforcement of law. Amen.
Lord, may truth and righteousness be victorious.
How are we going to defeat the evil one when we still squabble amongst ourselves?
We are not going to defeat the evil one. That is the job of Jesus.
Well we're supposed to be doing our best to help aren't we?
Pointing out the evil amongst our own ranks is doing my part. Praying to saints and angels is blasphemous and evil. we are taught in the Bible that idolatry is wrong. We are also taught how to pray, and that is directly to God through Jesus. No one and no thing comes between that. In other words, this is not a petty squabble.
Nowhere does Scripture condemn asking for the intercessions of Saints and Angels. We ask them to pray for us, if Paul says to pray for one another on Earth, how much more the Angels and Saints in Heaven?
There is clear evidence in archeology of early Christians asking for the prayers of Angels and Saints, and clear Scriptural support for the practice.
It’s also Satan desire that we worship and magnify not God.
Faith without works is dead. Maybe if Saul hadn’t bewitched all of Christendom with Jesus-based idolatry and the Christians took some personal responsibility to exercise faith and good works in the face of evil, the world could have been saved from these Satanists a long time ago.
First we don't defeat the evil one Christ will do that. If we want to take God seriously we have to follow His teaching. Jesus said Pray to your Father in heaven, not to an angel in heaven.
Jesus doesn't ask you even to pray to Him but God the Father, who did Jesus pray to? God the Father.
The only angels in heaven seeking your prayers and oblation are those who have left God for Satan.
Fake Christians are not ourselves, they are as much the enemy as atheist are, maybe even worse.
You're talking about a ton of your fellow Patriots here.
As a deist, fuck that guy. My belief in god doesn’t depend on a book written by man, yet alone one with 100s of variations and 1000s of revisions.
I hope that GOD reaches out to you and shows you the errors of your ways and helps redeem you from the path to HELL that you are currently on. May he bless you and change your false beliefs.
So? Regardless of their numbers or their patriotism to this country. Blasphemy is blasphemy.
AMEN! GOD will show us the way and only GOD. Blasphemy needs to be brought back as a crime, this country has lost its way and it is only recoverable by following the one true GOD and no one else.