Well done. And yes, down is up and up is down now. Not sure if either "up" or "down" has declared their pronouns yet tho.
BTW, I think the "peaceful protest" box would play better with a pic of that 2020 riot where the reporter was standing in front of a mob and a burning building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1mxJMIIMuE
I think articles like this are comms about deep state actors flipping. Thats not to say I argue with the theory of pole shifts. But at this date and time, these articles arent what they seem.
I did some searching on the mechanism of magnetic shift. I can not find any source on the actual process only that through the study of magnetic rocks that it does occur. In the not to distant past I would have taken this as strong evidence to affirm the theory.
But now? Im not so sure. Why isnt there more out there on the actual process? Im beginning to think that maybe its been about comms from day 1 and also used to generate fear among the people.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
"Acquitting the guilty and condemning the righteous--both are detestable to the LORD."
Can Anyone point me to a clip of the msm callimg audrey hale a victim?
My mother doesnt believe they did and watches msm all day. I know people were saying it was being said on here but i cant find it anywhere in searches. The only thing i found was that tranny group calling her a victim in a written statement.
Well done. And yes, down is up and up is down now. Not sure if either "up" or "down" has declared their pronouns yet tho.
BTW, I think the "peaceful protest" box would play better with a pic of that 2020 riot where the reporter was standing in front of a mob and a burning building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1mxJMIIMuE
the world is so upside down that the magnetic poles are about to flip. https://www.space.com/43173-earth-magnetic-field-flips-when.html
I think articles like this are comms about deep state actors flipping. Thats not to say I argue with the theory of pole shifts. But at this date and time, these articles arent what they seem.
I did some searching on the mechanism of magnetic shift. I can not find any source on the actual process only that through the study of magnetic rocks that it does occur. In the not to distant past I would have taken this as strong evidence to affirm the theory.
But now? Im not so sure. Why isnt there more out there on the actual process? Im beginning to think that maybe its been about comms from day 1 and also used to generate fear among the people.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
"Acquitting the guilty and condemning the righteous--both are detestable to the LORD."
This is like what I was come to say! Thanks and God bless Fren!!
Top left corner. What a weird head/face shape. Almost like the Coneheads.
Stealing this. Thanks!
Weird Al wrote a song called, "Everything You Know is Wrong." It's meant to be humorous, but the chorus really fits these days.
Can Anyone point me to a clip of the msm callimg audrey hale a victim?
My mother doesnt believe they did and watches msm all day. I know people were saying it was being said on here but i cant find it anywhere in searches. The only thing i found was that tranny group calling her a victim in a written statement.
Didn't biden essentially say that in a tweet iirc
We are indeed living in A Brave New 1984.
100% so we have to be @ or near the climax-peak right ?