in 2016, Donald Trump was running for President of the United States,
and at some level, Donald Trump knew he was supposed to be "THE HEEL"
which is, in professional wrestling terms, "the bad guy" who everyone loves to hate.
Donald Trump was recruited to play the role of EVERYTHING that is WRONG with AMERICA.
DJT is old.
DJT is fat.
DJT is rich.
DJT is white.
DJT is christian
DJT is a fat, old, white, rich, male, christian
DJT grabs women by the pussy, like a 6-pack of beer cans.
And Hillary Clinton was a breath of fresh air.
Hillary Clinton had been promised the Presidency at least as far back as 2007,
in 2007, Hillary Clinton was the heir apparent to the Presidency,
in the fake news media, it was a foregone conclusion, that Hillary Clinton would be the next President.
they never thought she would lose.
but in 2008, Barack Obama actually won the DNC nomination, and went on to become the President instead of Hillary Clinton.
Obama was supposed to be the "also-ran" candidate,
the, "clean, articulate black man" as described by Joe Biden.
Obama was just out to get a little more name recognition, before he ran for President later...
Hillary Clinton camp started the "birther movement", which insists that Obama was born in Kenya, and NOT in Hawaii, thus making Obama technically a UK bro, and not a "natural born in USA" bro.
So Hillary was given the consolation prize of Secretary of State, where she could be further groomed for the Presidency.
She fucked that all up.
Hillary is an alcoholic.
"Side of Beef" moment was Hillary Drunk AF.
But in 2016, Donald Trump was also the defendant in a pending "RAPE LAWSUIT"
and the co-defendant was JEFFREY EPSTEIN
you can read the highly graphic allegations in the rape lawsuit here:
Page 1
of lawsuit against Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein that alleges Trump and Epstein raped a virgin, and made her a sex slave.
Page 2
of lawsuit against Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, alleging that both defendants raped the plaintiff, and argued over which one would take her virginity.
Now in 2016, nobody really knew who Jeffrey Epstein was,
and the first i had ever heard of Jeffrey Epstein, was in those two pages of Trump rape lawsuit described above.
so we started looking more into this Jeffrey Epstein character...
and the rabbit hole lead to pizzagate.
Anyone who dove deep enough into the Pizzagate rabbit hole, surely found hell.
They saw, with their own eyes, what real evil looks like.
i can tell you, that seeing evil, helped me find GOD.
So Pizzagate exposed the fact that American VIPS, like politicians, professors, and businessmen,
were being compromised by Epstein-Maxwell Mossad Brownstone Ops.
we discovered the mechanism by which Israeli Mossad, controls US politics, and academia, and business, etc
By enticing VIP people with sex,
and then secretly video recording it,
and using it as blackmail forever.
meanwhile, the VIP is provided with even more sex,
where they are further compromised, and blackmailed,
and so the most corruptible people, are promoted to the front of the line,
and the more scandalous the "compromising materials", the more likely the compromised person will obey orders from their handlers.
which is why we have a government run by a ring of pedophiles.
and why the FBI is sitting on Hunter Biden's Laptop From Hell.
and why Bill Gates was a frequent flier on Epstein's "Lolita Express" To Epstein Island,
Which is a major reason why Melinda Gates divorced Bill Gates.
That and Bill Gates incessant autistic hand flapping while he nerd-splains vaccines.
how many people, who are reading this now, are aware that former speaker of the US house is a convicted serial child molester?
they thew Hastert under the bus,
but gave him a cover-story too
so currently in Israel, there is a movement to make sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ illegal
And also in Russia, there was recently a law passed, severely limiting the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
So anyway, Jeffrey Epstein had already been convicted of sex crimes, on state charges in Florida, but was given a sweetheart-deal
Donald Trump’s Labor nominee Alexander Acosta oversaw ‘sweetheart plea deal’ in billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s underage sex case
Acosta was a very unusual pick for Sec of Labor,
but i suspect that Trump wanted Acosta in his Cabinet, so that Acosta could be part of his inner-circle, as they fought back against the Brownstone Ops and Sex Trafficking.
Acosta resigned from Trumps cabinet, the day after Jeffrey Epstein got arrested.
In my estimation, Acosta got too confident, and left too early, and left the door open for Epstein to escape.
And then we have Ghislaine Maxwell, the convicted sex trafficker, "socialite" and daughter of Robert Maxwell, a famous spook.
Some people will correctly point out that Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein were "good friends" and "hung out a lot" and "both liked young women"...
And that Trump has said some pretty-cringe things in the past.
But after exhaustive research into the subject of the so-called "Trump Rape Lawsuit",
it is my opinion that the lawsuit was fake.
fake in the sense that the plaintiff, or victim, does not actually exist.
any lawyer could draw up a lawsuit, supposedly representing a client,
and make all kinds of heinous allegations, in the lawsuit,
and whether they can be proven in a court of law is irrelevant,
because the real purpose of filing the lawsuit,
is to smear Donald Trumps name,
and to put questions, and doubt into peoples minds.
Furthermore, although Trump and Epstein were once "friends", Trump (supposedly) banned Epstein from his properties, because Epstein was hitting on a teen girl and this girl told her dad, who complained to Trump.
Later, during the investigation into Epstein, Trump was (supposedly) the only person who would cooperate with investigators.
Meanwhile, Acosta was getting death threats to him and his family, and warned to back off of Epstein because he was an intelligence asset.
The Trump Rape Lawsuit was dropped, a few days before the 2016 election,
because the Trump supporters were looking way too closely at Jeffrey Epstein,
and Trump supporters were on the brink of blowing their entire Brownstone Ops,
into what became Pizzagate.
We didn't just expose Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell,
We exposed the Israeli-Mossad's methods of corrupting, compromising, and controlling the US government
This is why both parties support Israel, and vote to send endless aid to Israel,
Mossad Motto: By Way Of Deception, Thou Shall Do War.
NPR didn't bother to report that the Trump Rape Lawsuit has been dropped, until the Friday after the election, when it was clear that Trump had won, and all was lost.
And Then Donald Trump Got Arrested
Anon in Russia here: the bit about Jesus Christ in Russia is not at all what this author thinks, either. Not a very strong post in my opinion.
Note: The search link the OP provided yielded nothing in terms of what they OP is asserting.
wtf is op actually saying, anyway?