RFK Jr. will challenge Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination
Kennedy Jr. filed to challenge President Biden next year as a Democrat, joining self-help guru Marianne Williamson as the only other declared major candidate in the party in the White House race.
Always ready. ;)
They tried to make the case for DeSanctimonious too, and that fell apart under scrutiny.
Sadly there is a contingent of "Trump supporters" that cannot for the life of themselves (arguably literally) see the macro game being played. Always bogged down in the immediate details. And every time they fall for the "Trump policies without Trump" propaganda. Which is really just an extension of this disgusting habit on the right to appease the left.
I just laugh, because there is no such thing as "Trump policies without Trump". Trump is a once in a century level of leader, if not more. To find an American leader this steadfast, this willing to look his enemies in the eye, and this determined to do what his heart knows is right, we have to go all the way back to Lincoln.
And that is why all these other "Trump-lite" candidates will fail. They can agree with his policies. They can even be good people at heart (most are DS shills). None have his epic levels of courage, conviction, and tactical mastery. And that is the difference.
I believe the Great Awakening is happening and it is successful. People are seeing through the lies. Only Trump can beat the globalists.
We are in such amazing and dangerous times. The fate of the entire world is in the hands of "less than 10" people. So mind blowing if you really think about it. And anyone that could consider dumping Trump at this point, clearly is not in tune with the world around them.
Ultimately, the fate of the world is in the hands of God, working through "less than 10" people. POTUS would never have survived this long without the hand of God on him...the enemy is too ruthless, too cunning and too evil.
I would have gone with Andrew Jackson.
I can definitely see that argument.
I think he had more foresight than Lincoln, particularly with central banking and its implications. Lincoln was aware too, just not to the level Jackson was.
On the flip side, I think Jackson had large balls, but not as big as Lincoln's. I feel most of us look back on history and Lincoln with an assumption that the Civil War was inevitable, but it wasn't. If we put ourselves in Lincoln shoes at that time, the weight of the decision he had to make is immeasurable.
Lincoln was a monster and a base opportunist
And a statist if there ever was one.
BasedCitizen is on target. RFK may or may not be a good guy, but he's being put forward in an obvious "stop Trump" play.
Most puppets don't see their strings.
They could be working together to oust some more deep staters.
Well, if the results of the Wisconsin Supreme Court election is any indication, not much of a “awakening “ there. Trump needs to win Wisconsin in 2024 as well as Georgia and Arizona. The Republican Party is pathetic. None of the House investigations are moving in any meaningful or aggressive direction. Hope circumstances improve soon.
Elections are honest now?