I am reposting a response I made in another thread and expanding it. People don't appreciate what it would mean to "go to a gold standard" per H.R.2435. The idea is that it doesn't matter how much money there is, they can set the ratio of gold to dollar at whatever they want. "However much there is in present day dollars. It doesn't matter."
That's the first problem, so let's look at that:
How Much Is Gold Worth
According to the official narrative, there are about 8,133 metric tons of gold in U.S. reserves. I doubt that is true, I think it has been mostly moved into private bankers hands, but we'll go with it. There are 32,150 troy oz. per metric ton. That means there are, in reserve:
8133 metric tons times 32150 troy oz/metric ton ~ 261 million troy oz.
As for the total money that exists, the official number (not that I trust it, but we'll go with it) is between 40 trillion (narrow money), 90 trillion (broad money) or 1.3 quadrillion (derivatives, investments, etc.). With the amount of naked short selling, I wouldn't be surprised if you could double or triple that, so upwards of 4 quadrillion.
Putting this into perspective, we get one U.S. gold backed dollar is equal to:
- narrow money: 6.5e-6 oz
- broad money: 2.91e-6 oz
- derivatives: 2.01e-7 oz
- short sales: 6.5e-8 oz
These numbers don't mean much, so let me try to put it into something that makes a little more sense. Here is a picture of 1g of gold. It's not the best picture since it doesn't show the whole hand, but it shows that it isn't very much. Carrying that around, it would be pretty darn easy to lose it. But let me give you an idea of what one U.S. gold backed dollar would look like:
- narrow money: 1/5000 of a gram
- broad money: 1/11,000 of a gram
- derivatives: 1/160,000 of a gram
- short sales: 1/500,000 of a gram
Even with narrow money, think about dividing that gram picture into 5000 parts, then try to find it in your pocket. With short sales, divide it into half a million parts. It's almost easier to start measuring dollars in atoms of gold.
That 1g sells for about $130. This suggests it should be worth between $5000 and $500,000 if we were to move to a "gold standard" as things stand today.
For reference, that translates to between $150,000 and $15,000,000 per troy oz in today's money.
Now on to the next problem. The dollars that exist aren't money, they are debt. If we go to a "gold standard" there will still be all the debt, and the interest on that debt, that belongs to Megabank. If we move to a "gold standard," all that debt either needs to be paid off, or needs to be wiped out. But where does all the money reside?
Where's The Money
If we just look at narrow money (bank accounts, bank notes, etc.) that's the stuff that people have "on hand" (not really, because it's mostly in the fractional reserve shenanigans, but close enough). But who has the most money in bank accounts? According to this, the median bank account in America (in 2019) was about $5000, and the average was $42,000. That is a HUGE discrepancy, which means that the people with all the money have far more than the average person. The people with all the money are, in general, the Aristocracy AKA the Cabal. If we use the median this amounts to about $1.7 trillion (5000 times 330M people in America). Most of the rest of that $40T of narrow money lies in the hands of the very rich.
However, if we look at derivatives (not to mention naked short selling money) ALL of that money is in the hands of Megacorp.
So no matter how you divide it, as things stand today, the gold goes into the hands of the same people that rule the world right now.
Paying Off The Debt
If we don't wipe out all debt, then all those debts need to be paid off. But money is debt. Money comes to be when a debt is created. That's what "printing" money means. A loan is taken out, in one column a credit is given. This is money. In the other column a debt is created.
Money = Debt
BUT, that's not what really happens. A debt is paid back at interest.
Money + Interest = Debt
So all the DEBT in the world is equal to all the money PLUS all of the interest it has accrued, i.e. there is more debt than there is money. The debt can't be paid off. So all of that gold will eventually end up in the hands of the PTB, PLUS we will remain debt slaves forever.
With the current financial system, no matter how you slice it, all the power remains exactly where it is if we move into a "gold standard."
The system must fail. There is no other choice.
Very good post.
One thing to comment:
I think most of us own something, a house, a flat, a car, some money in the bank. We believe that what we’ve earned, or inherited, we will be able to have over to our children and their children.
So the natural way of thinking is that we should preserve the value we create.
That unfortunately also applies to those elites who’ve organised all these hoaxes, because if the system preserves the value - it works for everyone, including themselves.
That makes it easy to fall into the trap of a Great Reset when people believe that they can get rid of their debts so the only looser would be a bank, owned by the elites, but people are mistaken because it’s in fact owned … by their own pension fund.
Also, even if the Great Reset sounds interesting to some people (especially those with the debt) they have to be aware of the real reason the elites want to implement it, even if they lose some income from their debtors: they will gain full control of the people on this planet and most likely be compensated by the government with the scheme like the gold one described here, plus a share in the system of control being implemented at the same time.
The key point I’m trying to make here is: We cannot allow the thinking ”system must fail” (in a sense: let’s buy in into the Great Reset). What needs to happen is to legally take over the wealth of the evil elites who’ve been contributing to the child sex trafficking, covid hoax, climate hoax, 911, vaxx genocide, plant based food hoax, cures suppression, all other crimes against the humanity. This type of Executive Order that Trump has signed some time ago. This is a way to go. This would help to make them powerless and it’d preserve the vale people have created and are holding for the future generations. We just need to make some people accountable and be very consistent implementing it.
No it isn't. All Funds are just pools of money. The money is taken by the people who manage the fund and they buy the stock (or bond, or other asset, etc.). The owners of these assets are the people who make the purchase, not the pensioners who contribute to the fund. For more information, please see this part of my report.
They already have it. That will be made clear in future parts of my report. The Great Reset is just a pulling back of the curtain of the system already in place. We live in an illusion of freedom and ownership. We already, quite literally, own nothing, have no privacy, and are happy about it (well, at least we believe the opposite of the truth).
What is "Legal" is meaningless. They invented the legal system. The entire thing is theirs. It is a Book of Spells that rules the world. I'm not saying it shouldn't be considered, because people believe in their illusion of "law," but nothing "legal" really needs to be done. It just needs to appear moral. The system of "law" needs to be exposed for what it is, a means for the PTB to control the individual through the lie of "the greater good."
It is "consistency" that is one of the reasons for "law." It seems "fair." Well, it's not, but that's OK, it's not the worst part of it. I agree wholeheartedly that people need to be taken to account. Using their system of law is probably for the best, but only because people don't yet understand the fraud that we call "law." All systems of law that we employ are attempts to subvert Natural Law.
THEY use Natural Law, and they are well aware that they live within that system. They have POWER because they have convinced the rest of us to use the system they created for us instead of the one they use. The same people that rule the world today can be traced back to the very first system of law ever created in Sumer (almost certainly not the first, but the first according to the official narrative). They created it to rule us. The first Law code didn't have any provisions for the people that created it, because the people who created it lived by Natural Law. You should read the code of Hammurabi. It is very telling. The Priest class, who wrote the laws, are the only class of people for whom there were no rules or consequences. This allowed them to bypass Natural Law (you can't really bypass Natural Law, but it allows for an effective bypass of consequences by the creation of belief).
Natural Law says that we all have the right to do what we please, and no one can tell us otherwise. What scares people is that that means that people will do whatever they please. Nothing could be further from the truth. Natural Law also says there will always be consequences for your actions. Natural Law makes clear that every single Person has the right to live their life as they so choose, and make whatever treaties they want with other people, and they can back out of those treaties at any time, though there will be consequences for doing so. In appreciating these things, we all recognize that We are Sovereign (AKA the Ultimate Authority). Our jurisdiction is ourselves, and in any reasonable society, our property. If everyone gets that, deep down inside, all of the "laws" (treaties) we allow ourselves to join won't have things contained within that violate that knowledge of self-empowerment,. We won't allow things in our life that attempt to violate the Jurisdiction of our Authority. We simply won't allow it to happen as individuals, thus we won't allow it to happen collectively, thus it won't happen within any collective.
This is part of the "secret (occult) knowledge" they keep from us within their system of law, and the method by which they rule us.
Enlightening post ^^^
The problem with this thinking is it doesn't acknowledge the reality of the derivatives crisis. You CAN'T "takeover" the wealth of the elite and redistribute it ( or simply erase their assets ), because, just like us, the elite have brought forward their future earnings to create all the ledger entries we call money today. When you eliminate them, or takeover their wealth and eliminate them, you also eliminate the ability to fund all of those obligations. And those contractual obligations on notional future assets far, far outweigh the current value.
And yes, your pension relies on those contractual, future obligations that you intend to destroy when you "take over their wealth".
The current system has to fail completely. There really is no other choice if you want to have a better life in the future. The Great Reset is about collapsing the current system and rebuilding it to their model. The Great Awakening is about collapsing the current system and rebuilding it according to ours. Collapsing the current system is common to all paths forward.
You must accept the reality that the current "system must fail". There simply is no other way forward.
Why? If the wealth comes from the crime a forfeiture can be an option.
It exists in the law.
Trump’s EO was one of them, but not the only one.
Also the enemy uses this approach:
Because the money you are seizing is pulled from a future that will no longer exist. It is ephemeral. Money is not a thing. It is a merely a complicated accounting ledger that gives you a draw on the real goods and services produced by the economy. If you destroy/arrest these entities, then all of that "money" you think you they have (which is actually debt and merely a future promise) disappears when the entities responsible for the debt disappear. Maybe you can seize $1 here but $20 of derivatives default over there. This kind of action is tolerable by the economy in small doses where 99.99% of the economy will not be affected. But it means a complete economic meltdown on the scale we are talking about here, where the too big to fail banks themselves are the criminals.
Sure, there is some real wealth (gold, artwork, stock in productive companies, etc.) that you can take and redistribute, but that is a tiny fraction of the leveraged derivatives in our economy that is ultimately dependent on these entities.
There are some great economists like Joseph Brown (Heresy Financial) or George Gammon (Rebel Capital) who can explain this in an understandable way. But the end result is that no matter how you look at it, due to the scale of the corruption, we need to knock down the entire structure and rebuild. When the foundation of your house becomes compromised, you can't save it. You have to bulldoze and start over. That is where we are at. The scale of the issue makes doing anything else impractical.
We need to accept that the economy will be destroyed. We then have a choice on which contractor we hire to rebuild...either the Great Reset, or the Great Awakening.