The LGBT...lmnop shit presently being stirred up in our society is purposely being pushed on us.
We are now witnessing preplanned Anarcho-Terrorism.
It is, and will be, the Left’s new Antifa / BLM movement and moment this summer.
Prepare for more widespread rioting and Dem run hell-hole cities being burnt to the ground (again).
Don’t fall for their trap... don’t let them “kick the dog until it bites.”
That’s what “they” want so that “they” can “put us down.”
Or to put it more clearly, to justifiably cage (jail) us or euthanize (kill) us.
I am sure they’ll be violence but not on the scale of BLM. It’s the wrong demographic kinda like Roe V Wade didn’t produce that much violence and burning.
Black people in the hood aren’t gonna burn and loot stuff over trannies.
That’s not what is being said. Antifa gonna antifa.
“Trantifa” fucking epic
Who are all those people freely crossing our southern border?
I don't know who they are.
Does anyone?
Maybe they will be paid to false flag this summer.