When trouble comes, The first call these brainless communists will make IS, to a man With A GUN. BUT, The SCOTUS has ruled that the police are NOT required to protect the citizen. SO, it falls on Me to protect my family.
Stay away from all colleges and universities these days, they are just a cesspool of indoctrination. Go to trade schools and learn practical things. Also taxpayers need to demand defunding. Let the universities stand alone on alumni donations and tuition, then that will omit nonsensical courses and professor salaries such as gender studies and basket weaving 101.
If replacing fire extinguishers with flamethrowers is supposed to be analogous to a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun; then his solution would be analogous to banning fire extinguishers and only letting fire fighters carry them. After all why would anyone need their own fire extinguisher when you can just call the fire dept.
He is the perfect example of an MKultra subject.
I still can't get over how much he resembles a certain someone;
I used a simple app called 'Mixo' several years ago bc I thought they had some similar features.
I am more than a little creeped out by it.
Still spooks me today.
¯\(•́ ﹏ •̀🌸)/¯
Holyxi that gave me some chills
They're probably clones
Exactly... it's the eyes... controlled.
Yes Ive seen this questioned before and it really does get ya thinking.
Well his father is former FBI. Notice how his father stays out of the picture? I wonder what his father does now. Is he really FORMER FBI?
There's nothing wrong with Mercy Killings in the metaverse
David Hogg is the first and only anorexic male ive seen in my entire life.
I haven't seen anything, nor do I want to see anything about "it".
I've been lucky so far lol.
Doesn't stop you from shitposting that hashtag on any and all commie platforms possible
I had one in my family.
Who, by the way, was very fat first.
He was BOTH extremes.
They do controlled burns
He is paid to stir it.
He knows what he says doesn't make sense. But he does it anyway.
The only way I have been able to rationalize it, is that he is paid. Because the level of retardation that comes with his words is stupifying.
Remember frens, he's doing the FBI's work. He's part of the disarment psyops.
David Hogg is controlled and knows EXACTLY what he’s doing!!!
yes and that supports my assertion
When trouble comes, The first call these brainless communists will make IS, to a man With A GUN. BUT, The SCOTUS has ruled that the police are NOT required to protect the citizen. SO, it falls on Me to protect my family.
The worst part is he thinks he sounds rational
Hogg goes to Harvard.
Let that sink in. Stay away from Ivy League, Save money
Stay away from all colleges and universities these days, they are just a cesspool of indoctrination. Go to trade schools and learn practical things. Also taxpayers need to demand defunding. Let the universities stand alone on alumni donations and tuition, then that will omit nonsensical courses and professor salaries such as gender studies and basket weaving 101.
Back then it wasn’t liberal indoctrination camps as it is now
not as bad as it is now, the club has existed in these places for many generations regardless
Nimrod son whose dad works in a three-letter agency. Idiocracy.
Sometimes explosives are used to put out fires.
If replacing fire extinguishers with flamethrowers is supposed to be analogous to a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun; then his solution would be analogous to banning fire extinguishers and only letting fire fighters carry them. After all why would anyone need their own fire extinguisher when you can just call the fire dept.