WATCH: Hypocrite Dalai Lama, talking about how Donald Trump had “no moral principle”, back in 2019.
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This guy is a fraud. If he was truly enlightened he wouldn't think Trump was "good" or "bad". He would simply think that Trump just "is".
Buddhism monks strive to cultivate a state of equanimity and non-judgmental awareness that is free from concepts of good and bad, right and wrong. The goal is to develop a non-dualistic perspective that recognizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things, and sees all experiences as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
Rather than labeling things as good or bad, monks seek to cultivate a state of mindfulness and awareness that allows them to observe their thoughts, emotions, and experiences without attachment or aversion. This practice helps to develop a greater sense of inner peace, compassion, and wisdom, and allows them to respond to the world with greater clarity and equanimity.
Chinese Buddhists have long been accusing Tibetan Buddhists of heresy... If you look at the history of Tibetan Buddhism you can find a parallel between it and Catholicism.
Nevertheless, Chinese Buddhists, and Chinese people in general, support Trump.
The dalia lama acted peaceful & caring, I remember looking into their history and they came into power through very violent ways...
Tell me more
I wish I saved it. I came across it a long time ago, before DJT was even running for president.
My sister was sending me inspirational quotes from him and I wondered about how him and their strange customs. Being so passive and peaceful seems like a way to become extinct. :)
I didn't fully believe what I had read until seeing this degenerate with that child.... Saying I found something on the internet is one of the quickest ways to stifle conversations. Lol.
I will look after I get the grands off to school tho...
Why does he sound like fucking Klaus Schwab?? I thought this dude was Chinese. Global responsibility eh? America First bad eh? We have our globohomo!
He is the head of a very very evil so-called religion. It is totally demonic, and, so is he.
Buddhism is demonic?