Must watch. 👀
Ann Vandersteel.
Breaking: Federal Public Officials found with no Oath of Office on file. (Big names have no oath to the Constitution on file.)
Writ of Quo Warrento filed with U.S. attorney in Washington, DC. They have to provide an affidavit to the DC court and attorney in 10 days or get replaced or immediately terminated…per 5 U.S. code 3332. (If I read it right.)
Vice President
Sec. of Defense
Sec. of Treasury
Sec. of Health and Human Services
Sec. of Energy
Sec. of Education
Sec. of Commerce
Sec. of State
Sec. of Labor and Transportation
Department of Homeland Security
Attorney General
Food and Drug Commissioner
CDC Director
And so on…
WH’s got ‘em coming and going…again. If they refuse to pledge an oath to the Constitution, they get replaced (and maybe jailed). If they do pledge an oath to the Constitution, they can be held accountable for their (past?) and future actions. And piss off their handlers.
This is the exact same thing as both Brunson cases. One was flat out denied twice by the Supreme Court and the other is waiting in Utah SC to move to the US SC.
Not "exactly the same thing". In Brunson's case its about not carrying out their duties. This will probably be a complement to that case.
Well if the Brunson Case is complimentary to this, and Vice Versa, then what is YOUR malfunction???
Its amazing that this case is like a sacred cow to so many here. Such that anyone who doesn't immediately embrace it is personally skewered. This place is filled with analyzing and critiquing opinions/data and debating the merits or lack thereof. Except with this Brunson case. Nobody responds with an actual argument. It is the people who pointed out the lack of a cognizable claim in the suit that must be the problem apparently.