I believe the same thing. We belong to God only, but a marriage should be a partnership. I feel bad for those who have never experienced what kind of dynamic a really healthy relationship and woman can bring to a man's life.
I thank the lord quite often for my blessings, my partner being one of the most frequent things I give thanks for.
If women would refuse to cohabitate until marriage they’d get married sooner. I didn’t cohabitate before marriage and this one is still going for 38 years.
My wife doesnt 'belong' to me. She is my partner. We are equals. She is an unique individual and we are both made stronger together. She brings love and tenderness to the table while I bring strength and stoicism. Her strengths aremy weakness and mine hers. The sum is greater than the parts.
Women are not chattel. Marriage is a two way street with give and take and dedication to one another. Likewise a man should not marry to be supported by his wife while he spends his day watching sports, on the computer or gaming.
Not ready for a lazy man who doesn’t care about the family, expects to be waited on, and for the wife to be the husband and wife, father and mother. Marry in haste (or young and stupid), repent in leisure!
Playing devils advocate a little here, I have had bad relationships in the past, buuuut.
If you do enough self work, that will be reflected in the relationship you gain, once you actually have things like, standards, and you know, restraint.
Every relationship is a 50/50 game, maybe having a tad more respect for women, and observing that they indeed, are more than a Vagina, could prove useful in gaining a woman that you would actually enjoy being around.
I disagree with the 50/50 statement. Marriage is 100% and 100%. If one always has one foot out the door. How can that make a good marriage? I say marry your best friend and be real partners in everything. It's worked for me so far. Also, I think of marriage as forever not something to throw away when things get a bit tough.
No offense, but your statement shows that you do not understand modern women (at least in the west).
In general, all women are hypergamous.
Every women in the west have a tool in their pocket (the smart phone) where if they feel they can upgrade, they will.
Modern western women interpret attention and sex as if those attributes make a relationship. They have access to higher caliber men they would have never had access to in the past.
Further, most modern western women are at a plus 10 partner count before they decide to get married. Almost every study done on this shows that women with more than 3 partners are basically unmarriable -- especially when divorce laws almost make it so the girl has incentives to divorce.
Religion (in the west) slows this down a bit, but does not stop it. More than 3 partner count increases the odds of a marriage not working and even most religious girls are at that level.
I think this is really the first generation too in which men understand women much better than women understanding men. Women have largely checked out and stopped trying to understand men because why would they when they can just swipe next at the first sign of inconvenience
Most women don’t respect themselves, so they jump into bed with any Tom, Dick or Harry. They use the mantra of society as gospel: “My body, my choice”, but only when it justifies their actions. What about the man who has had more than 3 partners? Is he marriage material? Is he considered more marriageable due to his “experience?” I believe women going into the work force was the worst thing for the family: the mother isn’t there for the children (they are in nursery school/daycare or after school care) and men depend on the woman to bring in money so they are lazy. There are two sides to every coin. Maybe the wife is higher paid and the husband is a good Dad AND homemaker. If the wife works then the husband should care for the house (cook, clean, yard work, take children to soccer). It is good for the wife to have work experience, so she can support the family if needed: death of a spouse, job loss of a spouse, divorce. Men have been put at a disadvantage by the courts: spousal and child support. If there was no spousal support and only 50% child support, it might make couples think twice about marriage and about divorce.
What about the man who has had more than 3 partners? Is he marriage material?
Is he considered more marriageable due to his “experience?
Long story short: Women want the same man. His experience is an asset.
Men do not want "experienced" women. Each partner a woman has sex with lowers her amount of Oxytocin released making it harder for her to pair bond. Further, women are chimeric. So each dude that ejaculates inside her, there is a chance that she keeps that DNA aka male microchimerism
Finally, high amounts of promiscuity has been found in women with mental issues, women borne to single mothers, and women molested as children. Therefore high partner count in a woman is also a symptom of major issues as well as a red flag for previous behavior i.e. don't marry them.
This is why we slut shame women, but shame men for being incels, neckbeards, and virgins.
##Further, 80% of all divorces are initiated by women, not men.
I believe women going into the work force was the worst thing for the family: the mother isn’t there for the children (they are in nursery school/daycare or after school care)
I agree
men depend on the woman to bring in money so they are lazy.
I have only ever seen this in low IQ societies like the Philippines or a few African countries. Since God does not play around with the X chromosome, Women stay within 1 to 2 Standard Deviation of 90 to 100 IQ, while men can go well above or well below this number.
Maybe the wife is higher paid and the husband is a good Dad AND homemaker. If the wife works then the husband should care for the house (cook, clean, yard work, take children to soccer). It is good for the wife to have work experience
Only acceptable if used with the word « TOGETHER » as in « My wife and I BELONG TOGETHER. »…
I believe the same thing. We belong to God only, but a marriage should be a partnership. I feel bad for those who have never experienced what kind of dynamic a really healthy relationship and woman can bring to a man's life.
I thank the lord quite often for my blessings, my partner being one of the most frequent things I give thanks for.
If women would refuse to cohabitate until marriage they’d get married sooner. I didn’t cohabitate before marriage and this one is still going for 38 years.
Yea that guy reminds me of little boys acting like what they think men should act like. Would be cute if he wasn't an adult
My wife doesnt 'belong' to me. She is my partner. We are equals. She is an unique individual and we are both made stronger together. She brings love and tenderness to the table while I bring strength and stoicism. Her strengths aremy weakness and mine hers. The sum is greater than the parts.
Women are not chattel. Marriage is a two way street with give and take and dedication to one another. Likewise a man should not marry to be supported by his wife while he spends his day watching sports, on the computer or gaming.
Belong to?
Women: You get married because you've picked out the one husband you want to own and care for for the rest of your life.
We're much higher maintenance than a pet dog or cat, and we tend to live a lot longer.
Are you really ready?
Not ready for a lazy man who doesn’t care about the family, expects to be waited on, and for the wife to be the husband and wife, father and mother. Marry in haste (or young and stupid), repent in leisure!
Playing devils advocate a little here, I have had bad relationships in the past, buuuut.
If you do enough self work, that will be reflected in the relationship you gain, once you actually have things like, standards, and you know, restraint.
Every relationship is a 50/50 game, maybe having a tad more respect for women, and observing that they indeed, are more than a Vagina, could prove useful in gaining a woman that you would actually enjoy being around.
Just my 0.2
I disagree with the 50/50 statement. Marriage is 100% and 100%. If one always has one foot out the door. How can that make a good marriage? I say marry your best friend and be real partners in everything. It's worked for me so far. Also, I think of marriage as forever not something to throw away when things get a bit tough.
Well, in math, 50:50 would equal 100, in that context I meant it would create a whole, not intended to mean I would be half in, half out lol.
I think we fundamentally agree, semantics get in the way.
No offense, but your statement shows that you do not understand modern women (at least in the west).
In general, all women are hypergamous.
Every women in the west have a tool in their pocket (the smart phone) where if they feel they can upgrade, they will.
Modern western women interpret attention and sex as if those attributes make a relationship. They have access to higher caliber men they would have never had access to in the past.
Further, most modern western women are at a plus 10 partner count before they decide to get married. Almost every study done on this shows that women with more than 3 partners are basically unmarriable -- especially when divorce laws almost make it so the girl has incentives to divorce.
Religion (in the west) slows this down a bit, but does not stop it. More than 3 partner count increases the odds of a marriage not working and even most religious girls are at that level.
So it has nothing to do with "respect for women".
I think this is really the first generation too in which men understand women much better than women understanding men. Women have largely checked out and stopped trying to understand men because why would they when they can just swipe next at the first sign of inconvenience
Most women don’t respect themselves, so they jump into bed with any Tom, Dick or Harry. They use the mantra of society as gospel: “My body, my choice”, but only when it justifies their actions. What about the man who has had more than 3 partners? Is he marriage material? Is he considered more marriageable due to his “experience?” I believe women going into the work force was the worst thing for the family: the mother isn’t there for the children (they are in nursery school/daycare or after school care) and men depend on the woman to bring in money so they are lazy. There are two sides to every coin. Maybe the wife is higher paid and the husband is a good Dad AND homemaker. If the wife works then the husband should care for the house (cook, clean, yard work, take children to soccer). It is good for the wife to have work experience, so she can support the family if needed: death of a spouse, job loss of a spouse, divorce. Men have been put at a disadvantage by the courts: spousal and child support. If there was no spousal support and only 50% child support, it might make couples think twice about marriage and about divorce.
Long story short: Women want the same man. His experience is an asset.
Men do not want "experienced" women. Each partner a woman has sex with lowers her amount of Oxytocin released making it harder for her to pair bond. Further, women are chimeric. So each dude that ejaculates inside her, there is a chance that she keeps that DNA aka male microchimerism
Another Study
Finally, high amounts of promiscuity has been found in women with mental issues, women borne to single mothers, and women molested as children. Therefore high partner count in a woman is also a symptom of major issues as well as a red flag for previous behavior i.e. don't marry them.
This is why we slut shame women, but shame men for being incels, neckbeards, and virgins.
##Further, 80% of all divorces are initiated by women, not men.
I agree
I have only ever seen this in low IQ societies like the Philippines or a few African countries. Since God does not play around with the X chromosome, Women stay within 1 to 2 Standard Deviation of 90 to 100 IQ, while men can go well above or well below this number.
This never works long term. When women are the bread winner, the rate of divorce also goes up. Women want to be taken care of, not the other way around. Since Hypergamy.
You would then be Japan. Almost no alimony, but there is no child support. However, women 100% get custody by law.